A semi-recent Washington Post article has opened more eyes regarding pirated media. This isn't a national problem. It is an international problem and here at home, i have found that one of our nation's wealthiest men.......Bill Gates himself has admitted to downloading and watching pirated movies on the internet. An excerpt from Computerworld depicts Mr. Microsoft commenting on his activities. If someone admitted to copying illegal software such as Powerpoint, FrontPage or Excel (for argument's sake), Mr. Gates would be up in arms, speaking out against such acts. Yet, he's watching illegal copyrighted content. That doesn't say much for his respect for copyrighted content. If a tech mogul such as Gates won't abide by the copyright laws.....why should the rest of us? When is copyright infringement going to stop? It looks like it will continue as long as people think that they have the privileges to bypass copyright laws at their own leisure.