Why 99 Cent Bags of Doritos make you Fat
Monday, October 15, 2007 at 7:21PM
Nicole in Helpful Reading and Research

R@punsell of Flickr

Halloween is coming up and many single citizens, families, friends and couples plan to have a scary movie night with lots of horror flicks and junk food. It is easy to grab the closest snack while watching a rental, something from your DVD collection or the lastest HBO special. However, many of these snack items are unhealthy, much like the greasy popcorn at hundreds of movie theaters. Doritos and other 99 cent bags of chips are one of the most popular snacks that can add to weight gain. Here are the reasons why:

Inexpensive price is attractive
Many consumers try to find ways to save money on groceries and snacks. This is where one can get into trouble when purchasing Doritos. Small bags of chips cost around 25 cents. While this is every inexpensive, the larger 99 cent bag is more attractive. It may be due to the fact that the Doritos are not too large to become a burden. They are still small in size but large enough to hold more chips. The 99 cent price tag for Doritos is also very cheap. This makes many consumers choose the larger bag because it provides more for your money.

Large Bags are eaten at once
Once the 99 cent bags of Doritos are purchased, they can be eaten in one sitting. These bags are rarely saved for a few days. Both men and women can complete a full bag of 99 cent bags of Doritos while watching television. It is easy to eat all of the chips because the portion is enough to satisfy your hunger while not making you sick. Many people would not eat a large family sized bag of Doritos due to fear of getting sick or fat. However, no one really pays much attention to the intake of 99 cent bags of Doritos once they are opened.

Doritos have lots of calories and fat
Many people who purchase snacks never pay attention to the nutrition facts. This is one reason why 99 cent bags of Doritos will make you fat. The regular nacho cheese flavored Doritos has a ton of fat and calories. This is one of the many processed snacks that also include saturated fat. None of this is healthy and will contribute to weight gain. These snacks are best when eaten in moderation. However, men and women tend to eat 99 cent bags of Doritos more frequently because it is cheap and contains a desirable amount of chips.

Purchasing 99 cent bags of Doritos may become habitual
Since larger bags provide more chips, you will eventually skip the smaller items altogether. This will create a habit of purchasing large bags of Doritos that you eat in one sitting. Over time, multiple purchases of 99 cent bags of Doritos will make you fat. Repeat purchases will cause you to eat more than necessary. The calories and fat adds up after a while and your body will suffer. It is important to pay attention to all purchasing habits during your next trip to the grocery store.

Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
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