Johnny Depp out for blood in new Sweeney Todd Movie
Saturday, December 1, 2007 at 3:36PM
Nicole in Movies

I have not been familiar with the upcoming movie Sweeney Todd until earlier this week. It is a wicked tale of revenge that can teach you a lot of lessons. Revenge has been portrayed on film in many different ways. Still, they all show how powerful revenge can be when someone is on a particular misson. The Sweeney Todd movie is dark and has a very interesting story. It stars the talented actor, Johnny Depp who you can check out easily. I'd recommend all movie lovers to visit Sweeney Todd on MySpace and add Johhny Depp as a friend. This is a must-see movie that can help to escape the old, the new and the cheesy holiday flicks we are bombarded with every year.

When the way the power of revenge portayed on film comes to mind, I can currently think of one bloody scene in Face Off where Nicholas Cage's character forced a surgeon to put his enemy's face onto his since Cage's real face was removed. Afterward, he caused lots of havoc in the life of John Travolta's character. That movie was disturbing, but included a powerful portayal of revenge.
Now, Angela Bassett's character in the Waiting to Exhale movie depicted a level of revenge that is more realistic. After learning that her husband was leaving her for his secetary, she took all of his clothes, shoes and other belongings, threw them into his expensive automobile and set it on fire. She then stood there wand watched it burn while smoking a cigarette.

This scene in Waiting to Exhale received lots of cheers by audiences nationwide. It is so powerful because some people have probably taken the same action in real life. Even if no one has, the women cheering Angela Bassett on in the movie theater have probably thought about destroying the clothes and other possessions of their husbands or boyfriends. Johnny Depp's revenge may have deeper meaning in that his character, Sweeney Todd is seeking revenge for what happened to his wife and daughter and also for being sent to prison unfairy. He returns from prison to reopen his barber shop and becomes The Demon Barbe of Fleet Street. The men whose heads he shaves are never heard from again. A host of evil people and partners in crime make Sweeney Todd a must-see film this season.

Sweeney Todd will be in Theaters December 21st

visit the official Sweeney Todd movie site

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