Making Movies in Texas...or what would YOU do?
Sunday, December 2, 2007 at 6:32PM
Nicole in Filmmaking

The town of Albert, Texas was put up for sale at a little over $2 million earlier this season. I recently found out that the owner was auctioning this town off on Ebay. If that was not enough, someone in Italy placed a winning bid of $3.8 million last week. That is not good because you see, I WANT that town! The website for Albert, Texas still has a sign up saying that it is for sale. Therefore, it would be great if we all could chip in to buy this town if the Italy person doesn't get it. Sure, the price might be up one million, but I can just imagine how many movies could be made there.

Based on photos located throughout the website for Albert, Texas, the town has a history that is rich in music, close family values and community. I would not have to search very far for actors and actresses which would be grand. The local residents could star in films and then watch them at a local movie theater or mirocinema. I'd have built-in crew, talent and built-in business because you know, people like to watch themselves acting up. Still, I could spice things up and cast some actors from Dallas, Houston, Austin and Miami. It would be the most fun that one could ever have.

So, I'm writing this to you all, my readers. All I want for Christmas is the town of Albert, Texas. You can either buy it for me or donate some cash to me. I will even let you come to visit and name a street after you!

Now, enough about me and movies for a second. What would YOU do if you owned the town of Albert, Texas? Leave your comments below?

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