Yahoo news recently reported that film director John Singleton drove the vehicle that killed a jaywalker in California. The woman has been identified as 57 year-old Constance Russell. She was pronounced dead yesterday morning. The accident happened on thursday night when the woman stepped in front of John Singleton's SUV. A police spokesperson stated that John Singleton identified himself and was not under the influence of drusg or alcohol. The director was questioned and released. John Singleton has produced popular films of late, including "Hustle & Flow" starring Terrance Howard, "Black Snake Moan" with Samuel Jackson and Justin Timberlake and the upcoming film "Illegal Tender".
I am not too familiar with Illegal Tender, but have checked out some recent press clips that covered the film. The aftermath of fatal car accidents have not gone well for celebrities (R&B singer Brandy is going through a lot of legal trouble and drama as a result of her accident on the road). Hopefully, this does not affect John Singleton's career much, because he makes good movies. While it is NEVER a good choice to hit anyone on the road, we have traffic lights for a reason. Excuse me for possibly sounding rude here, but why is anyone walking in front of a moving vehicle. From the news report, John Singleton was driving an SUV.
That is a large automobile. Many of us probably have crossed streets and roads despite a clear red light or stop sign. However, this accident is one reason why that kind of behavior should stop. The same goes for drivers too because I have witnessed some very impatient and rude drivers on the roads who ignore traffic signs just as well. This needs to stop. How many people are going to have to die or get in trouble with the law for citizens to stop being careless?
Rather than go on about what should or shouldn't be considered appropriate road behavior, I am curious to know what you all think about this situation. Do you jaywalk? Are you a driver who "occasionally" ignored traffic signs? Are you going to see Illegal Tender? Are you a fan of John Singelton? If any of the abive applies, post your comments below.
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