Cuba Gooding Jr. Celebrates a Birthday in the New Year of 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008 at 9:49AM
Nicole in Actors, Hollywood

Today marks yet another birthday for Hollywood actor Cuba Gooding Jr. in the New Year of 2008. If your birthday is on the 2nd day of January, be glad to have the distant ability to share it with one of entertainment's most talented celebrities. Cuba Gooding Jr. has come a long way since his days of playing a teenager living in the ghetto on Boyz in the Hood to demanding respect as a Navy man in Men of Honor.

By now, many are aware that Cuba Gooding Jr. is an Academy Award winner and has been nominated and won tons of other honors over the last decade. His latest films include the comedy Daddy Day Camp and the popular movie American Gangster with other notable actors including Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe. Cuba Gooding Jr. has a few new productions in the works that are to be released within the next two years. He has a leading role in most of these projects and a supporting role in the rest. Watch out for Cuba Gooding Jr. in 2008 and 2009. Until then, we can all wish him (or pray for or what ever best suits your lifestyle and beliefs) a very happy birthday today. Happy Birthday to Cuba Gooding Jr.!

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What kind of role would you love to see him play in a movie?
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