Robert Duvall, a winter baby
Saturday, January 5, 2008 at 3:00PM
Nicole in Actors

Today is the day to celebrate the birthday of Robert Duvall, a versatile and popular actor. Some of his most recent movies include We Own the Night and Lucky You with Drew Barrymore and Debra Messing.

Robert Duvall's acting career dates back to the 60's and includes the very famous The Godfather movies by Francis Ford Coppola. He has also been in a dozen or so TV productions. I am not too familiar with Lucky You, but wanted to check out We Own the Night because it had Eva Mendes in it and she's a fun actress to watch. Since I missed it in theaters, it's time for a rental! Happy Birthday to Robert Duvall...may you win more awards, have more fun in 2008!

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