I Want to Make the Rooftop Films Deadline
Wednesday, February 23, 2011 at 4:06AM
Nicole in Film Festivals

In the spirit of a "I Want..." meme (which also appears to be defunct now, but still a useful writing/blogging prompt nonetheless), I'd like to profess that I want to make the final Rooftop Films 2011 Summer Series Deadline. Having missed all of the previous deadlines, March 1st marks the final date that they will accept submissions and so "I want...." to be able to submit a documentary that I made to this summer series.

The doc has been sitting on the shelf (well, actually it's been sitting on different hard drives and mini DV tapes and such but y'all get my drift) for way too long without playing in front of an audience and so I think it's time to stop lallygagging and finally get something done and be productive in this new year. I've known about Rooftop for several years but never submitted anything to their summer series because I either didn't have a project to submit or I didn't have the necessary requirements ready in time for the deadline....and here we are again in 2011 and I've missed the last two dates in February that I planned on submitting a work in progress yet still managed to miss these deadlines and now I want to make sure that I can get something to them by the last and final deadline to be considered for inclusion in their 2011 Summer Series.

I don't know if it's because I like Rooftop films or because I missed the January 31st deadline for this TV station contest, making Rooftop the next best choice or because I still haven't added the finishing touches/changes to the audio and B-roll clips or because I want to finally get something done in the beginning of the year rather than waiting until December and regretting unproductive blocks of time and then adding it to my New Years resolution for the following year or because my short drama movie went from pre-production to being placed on a temporary back burner (more on that within the next week or so) .....but....I just really want to make this deadline!

I'm hoping that I'll have enough balls to approach some movie theaters to get these popcorn shots (don't ask....you'll have to watch the Doc to see it, HA!) that I want for some of the B-roll but I've got to pay rent in like the next 6 days or whatever so I'm working to scrounge up money for that. Oh, and I saw a mouse in my apartment, WTF!

Anyway, I love Rooftop Films. I love how they play lots of independent films each summer on a roof (Forget the theater and other traditional venues for a moment...Films on a roof...if that's not sexy, I don't know what is) and attract lots of people who probably wouldn't even know about these films otherwise and I love how the founders of Rooftop Films started something in their own homes that eventually grew into a large venue to screen independent films and I love how they also provide grants for filmmakers and such.....and I LOVE that they started expanding to screen indies in other areas of the country, which brought "Gasland" to my town (even though I missed that screening, but that's another story...it still rocks!) and I loved how they showed Humpday (which I missed as well, but I couldn't afford to get to and stay in New York at the time, but I watched it on Netflix streaming...before Netflix started acting up) because I wanted to find out whether two straight guys could make a gay movie for the purpose of making money.

Ok, this post is much longer than I intended it to be.

The bottom line is....I want to submit my doc to the 2011 Rooftop Film Series by their final deadline!

That's what I want.

Oh, and I want to watch Stuck! but I will get to that eventually....it just arrived in the mail a few days ago but I haven't had the chance to relax and enjoy the film.

While this isn't a review or film festival screening schedule, it's still fitting as a Film Festival Wednesdays post so I'll categorize it as so.

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