An Unforgettable Best Supporting Actress Moment at the Oscars
Monday, February 28, 2011 at 2:13PM
Nicole in Hollywood, Moday Movie Meme

As February 2011 comes to a close, The Bumbles asks those participating in its Monday Movie Meme to share memorable Oscar moments that stood out among all others during this Hollywood extravaganza.

Last night's Oscar broadcast had a few memorable moments including one that prompts a "WTF?" reaction as I wondered how this ended up getting props on Yahoo's Red Carpet Report this morning. For me, it wasn't Natalie Portman's gracious acceptance speech that almost had me in tears while adoring her beautiful dress, Sandra Bullock's humorous presentation of the Best Actor nominees or even that F-Bomb that Melissa Leo dropped during her acceptance speech after winning the Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role in "The Fighter."

Monday Movie Meme,Oscars

The unforgettable moment was noticing that awful dress that Best Supporting Actress nominee Helena Bonham Carter graced the stage (and the Red Carpet, but I missed that pre-Oscar show because my company was busy watching "Amazing Race" on CBS) and our television sets with during the Oscars. The black bustier nightmare was made by the costume designer from "Alice in Wonderland" so if Carter wore it in the movie, then it may have been fitting for that atmosphere.

Her effort to "celebrate film instead of fashion" makes the ensemble, complete with big curly hair, dark sunglasses and black clutch shaped like a fan very commendable (and pretty cool, since many of us are used to focusing on the clothes and designers and this move by Carter might be a neat reminder that it's the Oscars....not NY Fashion Week) while helping me to understand this choice for the red carpet.

Monday Movie Meme,Oscars
Still, when I noticed her sitting in the audience and then again later on when "The King's Speech" won for best picture....I couldn't help but say to a relative "She looks like something out of a Harry Potter movie (specifically Bellatrix Lestrange)." It turns out, Helena Bonham Carter is the woman from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. So maybe her red carpet ensemble doesn't look that terrible after all.

She did get me to think about a film while I was watching the Oscars and focused on her (and everyone else's....did you see Mila Kunis rock that lavender lace dress?!!! She was gorgeous!) fashion sense. It appears that Carter achieved this goal. After learning more about this actress, her work and previous red carpet appearances, the Harry Potter-looking dress no longer seems as bad as it looked at first glance. She appears to be a creative woman who likes to make bold statements, so horaay for her!

Monday Movie Meme,Oscars
Would I wear, or recommend that another woman wear something like this to any formal event such as the Oscars? Probably not. But Helena Bonham Carter obviously would and is not only ok with doing so, maybe she likes it's all good!

A runner-up moment is the general sense that last night's Oscars was all about the parents, specifically mothers....from one Live Action Short film winner's statement that his mother did the craft services to another winning speech that revealed a mother's responsibility for bringing "The King's Speech" to the big screen.

The biggest disappointment of all, which occurred way before last night, is still the fact that Ryan Gosling got snubbed for a lead role nomination for his role in "Blue Valentine." Sure, Michelle Williams lost to Natalie Portman but at least Williams got a nomination.....her "Blue Valentine" co-star (Ryan Gosling) didn't even get that, which totally sucks!

Who else watched the Oscars this year? What are your thoughts on last nights Oscars?

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