Insane Movies to Never Forget
Monday, March 28, 2011 at 3:47PM
Nicole in Moday Movie Meme, Movies

monday movie meme

Today is all about “maniacs, lunatics, psychos, crazed behavior or mentally tortured souls” according to The Bumbles Blog: ON MOVIES ~ Movie Madness..., who put a spin on the current basketball season of March Madness and asked us to share examples of films that feature madness on an insane level.

An old VHS tape that I have of “Instinct” starring Anthony Hopkins came to mind because while I only watched it maybe once or twice, it reminded me of how human beings should not be quick to judge or come to conclusions based on the little bit of information that you have on the surface. Hopkins plays a man who lived in the jungle until he was sent to prison for murder and Cuba Gooding Jr. co-stars as the psychiatrist who is supposed to get into the jungle man's head.

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The suspense-thriller “Don't Say a Word” starring Michael Douglas and the late Brittany Murphy is another one that I would place among the top insane movies and would even go so far as to recommend it for those who haven't watched this movie.

Douglas plays a psychiatrist who has to get a series of numbers from an unknown girl (Murphy's character) suffering from post traumatic stress disorder, in order to save his kidnapped daughter. Murphy's haunting “I'll never tell...” line can be either funny or haunting depending on how you take it. Still, if this entire movie doesn't creep you out, then I don't know what will. In my opinion, “Don't Say a Word” is better than “Instinct” although both movies have really great leading actors.

“The Secret Window” is a runner up for this list of insane movies but I don't have any tidbits on it because I haven't watched this movie yet. This Johnny Depp film was recommended to me a while back so it's on my to-do list of films that I need to get up to date on.

What insane movies can YOU add to the list?

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monday movie meme


Yeah, I forgot and skipped a week. My bad. Stay tuned for some really exciting interviews with an independent film director, more film festival Wednesdays posts and possibly the relaunch of the King Dong series.

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