Jumping the Broom in Our Jaded Society
Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 7:50PM
Nicole in A to Z Challenge

A to Z Challenge
'J' is for "Jumping the Broom" as I continue through the A to Z Challenge.

The upcoming Sony Pictures release "Jumping the Broom" starring Angela Bassett, Paula Patton, Mike Epps, Loretta Devine and Laz Alonso reminded me how major socioeconomic differences create conflict between families of a bride and groom in the days leading up to their wedding. Having watched an early screening of this film, I was pleased by it's comedic content and would recommend it to moviegoers who are looking for a good laugh. "Jumping the Broom" will be in theaters on May 6th so if you like comedy in the midst of heavy family drama....and even some unexpected secrets, then you will probably enjoy this movie.

Many of the cultural differences, life experiences and social status of the grooms family and the bride's family caused each side to prejudge the other without getting to know them. This got me thinking about how our society does this in real life, which can cause many romantic relationships to go sour. Here are some elements form Jumping the Broom that can reflect on how jaded out society is regarding interpersonal relationships, dating, selfishness and parenting.

More Money, More Problems & Less Money, More Problems
Yeah, there seemed to be a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation in this movie for both parties involved in the wedding. Fortunately for one family, their money gave them a slight upper hand in dealing with their problems but the opposite family still had problems nonetheless. This is important because too many middle class or working class families seem to prejudge those who may be a little well off financially. Yes, I know rich people judge other people who are not rich but this happens on both sides and it seems silly.

Many people who aren't financially stable seem to believe that rich people do not have any problems OR they believe that whatever problems rich people have....they still don't measure up to the types of things that working class folk have to deal with and I believe that this type of thinking does not help either side come together and work together as productive human beings. Too many people dismiss certain problems of the financially stable, as if these problems are not valid. This is not the way to find peace and unity in the world and will likely make for a society filled with people who disrespect each other on an ongoing basis without merit.

A to Z Challenge
Women Dating Older Men
The “cougar” term was thrown out at one of the female characters in this movie after a relative notices the possibility of her dating a much younger man. It's no secret that there is a catch 22 in our society that allows older men to date younger women but label or judge women who date older men. Why do guys get the cool “bachelor” title while women are seen as vultures preying on men under their age?

Selfish Parents
So long as the child is truly happy, there isn't a reason to try and protect him or her from others, right? This did not seem to be the case in "Jumping the Broom," as each set of parents were concerned with their own feelings and judgements than their child's happiness. The selfishness takes an unfortunate turn in this movie, which could be a representation of real-life circumstances that many people can related to whether they are married, engaged to be married, dating or single. Many people have some form of selfishness and/or jealously going on in their lives whether indirectly or directly and they act on this behavior in a way that hurts others, while they defend their actions by claiming that they were in the best interest of whoever they are “protecting” or doing a favor.

A to Z Challenge
Anyway, just because someone is financially stable or well off or has experienced the finest in what life has to offer does not mean that they are uppity. At the same time, just because someone does not have riches or worldly life experiences does not make them ghetto. It is not the money, education or experiences that make someone better or worse (hey, I find this phrase quite humorous since we're talking about weddings)....it is the person's behavior that determine what type of individual they are. Uppity people are uppity and ghetto people are ghetto.

The bottom line is, it may be better to try and understand where other people are coming from and then make efforts to join them in mutual compromises for the sake of everyone involved.......especially when planning a wedding!

"Jumping the Broom" Opens May 6th in Theaters!
Yes, the story has been done before and I can think of a few movies with a similar storyline of boy meets girl, family doesn't approve, etc. (like maybe, "The Notebook" and maybe...loosely...."The Other Sister").

A to Z Challenge
Have you witnessed or endured any crazy behavior leading up to or on the day of your (or someone else's) wedding?

How two families from different backgrounds come together without fighting with each other, judging each other or disrespecting each other?

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Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
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