Olympic-Eligible Movie Characters who Run the Show
Monday, April 18, 2011 at 4:18PM
Nicole in A to Z Challenge, Moday Movie Meme, Movies

Monday Movie Meme,A to Z Challenge
‘O’ is for “Olympics” today, specifically in the running category selected by The Bumbles for this week’s Monday Movie Meme. Here are movies that, according to the Bumbles, make my “feet tired just watching them.” It’s not necessarily the films that cause a tired feeling. These movies have characters whose running scenes reach Olympic proportions, putting them in a position to give medalists like Carl Lewis or Joanna Hayes a run for their money. Pun intended.

Runaway Bride
A to Z Challenge,Monday Movie Meme
Julia Roberts’ character becomes famous for leaving men at the altar, but it’s the way she does it that makes these exists memorable and the talk of the town. After running with no concern about who or what she knocked down in the process, this bride eventually obtains a more effective means of transportation...in a four-legged variety!

The Bourne Supremacy

A to Z Challenge,Monday Movie Meme
Matt Damon plays Jason Bourne, a character who does a lot of running in this movie. Sometimes, its for recreation or exercise such as the earlier scenes where he is running on the beach in a peaceful state, with what seems like no worries in the world. Most of the time however, Bourne is running for mere survival. He runs from the cops, he runs from contract killers, he runs from the Goverment......it is the type of experience where a phrase like “running out of breath” may not even begin describe what this man is feeling. Bourne is running out of more than that. He is running out of breath, time, friends, resources, passports, blood (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, then watch the movie) and energy.

The Graduate

A to Z Challenge,Monday Movie Meme
His car may have run out of gas but Dustin Hoffman’s character has not run out of love...or at least, the pursuit of love. The last scenes of this movie contain so much running, it makes me exhausted but also sympathetic to his mission based on the circumstances and events that went down prior to his running journey.

Can YOU name some characters who could compete in the running or Track & Field category of the Olympics?
Monday Movie Meme,A to Z Challenge
This post also is part of my participation in the A to Z challenge during the month of April.

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