Zombieland Sucks!
Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 2:31PM
Nicole in A to Z Challenge

Today is not about a movie starring Woody Harrison
and that "Social Network" guy.
It's about me, sleep deprivation and Blogging from A to Z.
would require more effort than meets the eye.

I wrote all day and wrote all night for clients,
freelance writing assignments and my blog.
I began to feel like I was in a Zombie-like state of being
that almost made me as sick as a dog.

During April 2011, I read posts, made comments and enjoyed blogging from A to Z
But I started to loathe my freelance writing work because it felt like it was draining the life out of me.

Most of my energy was torn between something fulfilling and something else that pays the bills.
When I think about all the rewrite requests, long hours, not eating and still not working on my movie, it seems like I'm climbing up a steep and never-ending hill.

Feeling like a Zombie makes it tough to always keep moving forward on a quest to be all I can be.
But, one day during the challenge, I read what looked like a suicide note from {Mis}Adventures of an Army Wife that served as a reminder that there are others out in the world that may have it worse than me.

I'm disappointed that now there are spelling typos, grammar errors and other mistakes editors find in my work because I can't get any sleep.
My computer is slow and a mouse frightens me at night, yet, when the daytime comes, it doesn't make a peep.

I'm sure I'm not alone, as there are probably other bloggers and freelance writers who feel like Zombies walking around like a bunch of smokers zoned out on some herb without a clue of what to do.
So, to my fellow Zombie-like friends, Let me be the first to say that Zombieland sucks, but a longtime friend once told me "It could always suck more!" and so I invite you to join me in trying to view it as motivation and a lesson to reflect on blessings taken for granted.
.....Just a message from me to you!

Here's to all who blogged through to the end of this year's A to Z Challenge!
A to Z Challenge,Poems
Yay We Did It!

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Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.