Missing Movie Characters
Monday, August 27, 2012 at 6:52PM
Nicole in Memes, Moday Movie Meme

My apologies for the late evening Monday Movie Meme! I just got home and am now on my way out to see "Total Recall" with Colin Farrell and Jessica Biel...although I'm more interested in seeing "The Bourne Legacy" starring Jeremy Renner, but whatever! Since I'm short on time, let's make this another quick and simple topic. The theme for this week's Monday Movie Meme is: Missing. Yep! Just like that.

Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring people who were kidnapped. Here are my selections for this week's Missing theme -- and Yes, this week doesn't include pictures because, well, I just dont' have the time. Forgive me.

Man on Fire

Although I still should watch this film in its entirety, I've seen enough portions of it to know the gist of the story, which is this: Dakota Fanning's character is kidnapped for ransom or something and Denzel Washington plays the bodyguard who was supposed to protect her and then goes on a rampage to find her. Since I like both Dakota and Denzel, this is my kind of movie -- hopefully, I'll watch the whole thing one day!


The problem is simple. Teenage girl travels out of the country with friends in tow, to see the world and follow a music bands' tour. They meet strange guys and invite them to the place where they're staying...instead of getting new friends, they get kidnapped and sold into a sex trafficking ring. Fortunetely for them, one of these girls has a father who happens to specialize in protecting people from harm. Enter the bodyguard slash father on a mission to save his daughter at all costs. The question is...can he find her before it's too late? If you saw this movie, you already know. If you didn't, then it's time to rent or buy it.

That's all I have at the moment.

What movies can YOU think of that feature kidnappings?

Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
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