Public Relations As Seen On Screen
Monday, September 24, 2012 at 1:07PM
Nicole in Film Festivals, Memes, Moday Movie Meme

In the coming days, expect to read several posts about the 2012 Urbanworld Film Festival, which I had the pleasure of attending.

It is at this festival where I saw feature films that have received buzz within the last twelve months such as "The Last Fall" starring Lance Gross. I also watched short films -- some that I didn't particularly care for and others that were surprisingly good including "Sleep," written and directed by Donald Conley.

Although sitting in a cold movie theaters for two-plus hours at a time would drain even the most avid movie fanatic, it was the different press interviews I conducted for video, audio and print that surprisingly took more time, energy and attention than I expected. So, the theme of this week's Monday Movie Meme is inspired by the 16th Annual Urbanworld Film Festival that just wrapped up on Sunday: Meet the Press!

Waiting in line for "The Girl is in Trouble" screening at the 2012 Urbanworld Film Festival

Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies where the main characters are involved with the press. These characters can either be a member of the press themselves - or - they can be in the spotlight receiving photo ops or print media attention.

Here are my selections for this weeks' Meet the Press theme.

The Pelican Brief

Denzel Washington plays a newspaper reporter who goes to great lengths to nab of the most exclusive stories he may ever cover in his career -- even if that means there will be a target on his head. Exposing the corruption and murder surrounding high ranking government officials is noble and all but there comes a time where one has to question the priorities in his career, especially if there's a chance he may not live long enough to print the story.

The main characters in "The Pelican Brief" covers both sides of this week's meme, since Julia Roberts plays the Law Student who Denzel Washington's character is depending on and also has to protect since she is his main source of information.

Any Given Sunday

Jamie Foxx plays an arrogant NFL player who claims his "Invisible Juice" renders him untouchable on the field, during an interview with a sports TV personality.

Lean on Me

Morgan Freeman plays a no-nonsense high school principal whose heated argument with the town's fire commisioner, about chains on the doors, attracts a heap of local media outlets outside the front doors of the school building. "They used to call me 'Crazy Joe." Now, they can call me 'Batman!'"

What Movies Do YOU recall featuring Press Related Scenes Surrounding the Main Characters?

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