Movie Characters under Surveillance
Monday, September 3, 2012 at 1:40PM
Nicole in Memes, Moday Movie Meme
When I went to the movies last weekend, it was interesting how government agencies can access any information that they need or want on anyone at any time from all resources available -- including security cameras. So, the theme of this week's Monday Movie Meme is inspired by an action film that I hope isn't the last installment to a great franchise: Look Who's Watching.


Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring an extensive level of surveillance on one or more of the main characters in said film. So, the security tape that O-Dog and Caine took from the store they robbed in "Menace II Society" does not count. Even though they played the tape later on, that was just one incident and one "security" source. You get my drift?


Here are my selections for this week's Look Who's Watching topic.


The Bourne Legacy


This is the action film that I am referring to that includes use of surveillance. I watched this movie for two reasons: The previous three films rock -and- Jeremy Renner. Although The Bourne Legacy is obviously not as good as the preceding films in the Bournefranchise, it was still entertaining. The agency looking for Renner and Rachel Weisz' characters had an entire room of employees searching through security video footage from airports, road traffic areas and crime scenes. If they needed to find something out, they made a call and hours of footage were made available at their fingertips.


Enemy of the State


Will Smith played a lawyer who had a hard time getting away from the National Security Agency that will do anything -- even murder people, to protect one of their own. They have his phones tapped and can basically watch or follow every movie he makes -- he can't even jump off of a building without them knowing. Funny (and ironic) thing, one of my most memorable and most favorite lines from "Enemy of the State" involves aiding in their surveillance: The scene where Jack Black's character says "Please, let me follow the nanny. She doesn't shave her legs. Women like that are so HOT."


Runaway Jury


Gene Hackman's unforgettable performance as a jury consultant who will stop at nothing to find out what someone's weak spot is could make even the most patriotic citizen wish they never get selected for a major trial. He had his minions watching people when they least expected it, even as they take their pets for a walk on the sidewalk and this cold, dishonest character was also sneaking unauthorized surveillance into the court room.


I can understand how the people in "The Bourne Legacy" and "Enemy of the State" had access to so much surveillance information -- they are the government, after all. What I don't understand, however, is how Hackman's character was able to compile so much information on the jurors. I mean, who the hell is this guy? He's not even a bounty hunter or private investigator; or maybe he is, since investigating IS part of his job in this movie. When a friggin' consultant has connections like that, you know we have a problem.


What movies can YOU think of that feature lots of surveillance?
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