How to create a whole New You – Notes from the Big Screen #atozchallenge
Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 9:42PM
Nicole in A to Z Challenge, Blogfests, inspiration and observations

*A to Z Challenge Alert: I’m playing catch-up today for Letter N, so my post for Letter O will be published soon. 

Each new day brings a new opportunity, right? It is a promising notion that sounds nice but leaves some people lost in the sea of infinite possibilities.

Making the most of every new day that we are given is easier said than done, especially for those who have no idea how to put this concept into practice. While we all may not need to live vicariously through the adventures, drama and thrill rides that occur in movies, many of us can benefit from taking a page from their books of starting over.

Hollywood and independent cinema shows us that we can spice things up at a moment’s notice, given enough determination. Here are ways to create a new you if your master plan for life is still in development; going one step and one simple (or drastic, depending on how you like it) measure at a time until you reach your destination. These examples are based on movie characters who, in one way or another, became new versions of themselves – for the betterment of their lives.

Force your boss to quit and then promote yourself to a new position like Danny does in “Kill the Irishman.”

Cut your hair and then move to Mexico the way Stoney does in “Set It Off.”

Plan to move to Texas and become a cowboy like Danny does in the crime biopic “Kill the Irishman.”

Color your hair and change your phone number the way Carrie does in the romantic comedy, “Sex and the City: The Movie.”

Leave a toxic relationship and then work at a diner to get back up on your feet the way Delia does in the romantic drama, “Personal Velocity.”

Go undercover as a police informant the way Pookie does in “New Jack City.”


Switch careers and open a lingerie retail store like Champagne does in the documentary “Gangstresses.”

Offer pro bono work at your job and make plans to help a man buy a house the way Gavin does in “Changing Lanes.”

What other examples of starting over and creating a NEW You can YOU add to this list?

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