Monday Movie Meme - Plan B
Monday, July 1, 2013 at 1:40PM
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As I work to complete a final version of my “Abyss” movie -- one that is suitable for film festival submissions -- the deadlines for (festival) review continue to fly by. Coming up against setbacks such as exporting files that don’t play properly, crossing off potential festivals to submit to and being in a frenzy over the steep learning curves of features within post-production software programs, I find myself having to constantly readjust my end goal for this project. That brings us to the theme of this week’s Monday Movie Meme: Plan B.

Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies where the main characters have to make one or more backup plans. They are in a situation where their first plan is either no longer available or it has become a liability that will put them at risk for undesirable results.

Here are my selections for this week’s Plan B theme.

World War Z

When one man and his wounded guard are abandoned by their private aircraft, they board a commercial flight to remain safe from zombies in this action horror starring Brad Pitt and Matthew Fox. It’s one of those situations where you have no time to compare and contrast alternative options – you have to be quick on your feet or else…it won’t be pretty!


A bank robber makes last minute changes to his itinerary, after believing that his initial getaway plan might be compromised. I recently watched this crime thriller, starring Robert DeNiro, Al Pacino, Ashley Judd, Val Kilmer and Amy Brenneman, in its entirety and know of few other movies where the characters are so thorough that they can put together a Plan B, C -- and D if necessary -- at a moment’s notice.

Bad Boys II

A detective instructs other members of his squad to “Go to Plan B,” after realizing that he and two other law enforcement agents won’t making it back to an escape tunnel in enough time to ensure everyone’s safety. His decision seems like a good strategy, except for one important factor -- the squad is not aware of any existing Plan B. In fact, one of them asks “Plan B? What the hell is Plan B?”

What movies, featuring characters who need a backup plan, would YOU add to this list?

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