Let’s X Out of the Cineplex for Once, Shall We? #atozchallenge
Monday, April 28, 2014 at 10:30PM
Nicole in 2014 A to Z Challenge, A to Z Challenge, Behind the Scenes, Blogathon, Blogfests, Blogging from A to Z, Filmmaking, Letter X, Memes, Moday Movie Meme, Monday Movie Meme

Today, I choose to X out of writing about why we make movies because subject has been covered enough for one month and frankly, I don’t have the energy or interest in exploring this matter any further right now.

I also choose to X out of the Monday Movie Meme because all of the time spent doing research, interviews and writing about making movies has left me with little to no topics for this weekly meme. The Monday Movie Meme will return next week once I wrap up the 5th Annual Blogging from A-to-Z Challenge.

This news comes at a time when I’ve decided to X out of submitting to a few popular film festivals that I once had high hopes for, and instead, put the fees that I would have incurred to better use in ways that would directly benefit either me, my film, select supporters of my work or a cause that I believe to be just. The festivals in question are appealing on the surface but when you really get down to business – they are not worth the time or money. More on this to come at a later date.

Have YOU chosen to X out of any activities or plans today that once seemed more promising until reality and/or a dose of poor time management kicked YOUR butt?

Read yesterday’s post about A Whole New World – Why I Make Movies if you’re looking for something more meaningful that what’s being offered up at the moment.

Article originally appeared on (https://www.madlabpost.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.