Tex Gilligan, a Vietnam War veteran, is overwhelmed with the thought that he could lose his home to the wildfires. He is staying at a Red Cross shelter at Yavapai Community college. Photo by Talia Frenkel/American Red CrossIf you’re anything like me, a certain series of unfortunate events such as tornadoes, hurricanes and even earthquakes are usually what come to mind when hearing or reading the term “disaster.” The fact of the matter, however, is that there are many catastrophic events that occur more often than what we would normally consider being disastrous.
If the food, shelter, emergency medical services and related care provided by the American Red Cross serve as any indication, multi-vehicle pile-ups on the highway, house fires and long-term power outages caused by winter snowstorms are just as devastating for families and individuals as those natural disasters.
So the theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is shaped by the tireless work of the Red Cross – an organization on call 24/7, responding to “everyday” incidents that are often overlooked by the rest of us, yet, claim lives and injure people like any other disaster: Up in Flames.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring scenes involving fire damage to inanimate objects. Here are my selections for this week’s Up in Flames theme.
Several buildings are set ablaze in this action crime drama starring Kurt Russell, William Baldwin, Robert DeNiro and Donald Sutherland. Truth be told – this classic 90s movie is what first put Russell on my radar.
Two poverty stricken teenagers rescue children from a burning church in this crime drama starring C. Thomas Howell, Matt Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Diane Lane, Tom Cruise and many more notable actors.
A grieving and furious housewife torches her husband’s car in this romantic comedy drama starring Angela Bassett, Michael Beach and Whitney Houston.
What movies involving objects damaged by fire would YOU add to this list?