Nate’s Storytime: Rosie Runs into Rugrats at the Multiplex
Wednesday, May 18, 2016 at 4:35PM
Nicole in 2016 A to Z Challenge, A to Z Challenge, Blogfests, Blogging from A to Z, comedy, inspiration and observations

Vinyl hijackers calling themselves the Popcorn Snobs are catching up on their theme, ‘The Taking of April A-Z,’ while they run this blog for the next 9 (or so) days.

Hello, its Nate here…returning to tell you a story about one of the most absurd movie theater experiences ever shared on this blog.

Once upon a time, around the late 90s, there was a teenage girl named Rosie who went to the movies with her boyfriend. Let’s call him D.

After picking up snacks at the concessions counter, Rosie and D quickly made themselves comfortable in a row where an unidentified woman and her small tribe of children were also seated.

Sometime during the feature presentation, one of these kids asked Rosie for some popcorn. She obliged, sharing a portion of her popcorn with the child. Moments later, this kid’s mother told Rosie that the rest of the children should have popcorn too; it’s only fair. Despite the woman’s seemingly ridiculous request and D’s protest on the matter, Rosie gave each child some of her popcorn. Everyone ended up enjoying the movie -- at D and Rosie’s expense.

How different would this scenario turn out if YOU were in Rosie’s shoes?

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