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Perspectives directed by Neer Shelter has qualfied for the 2024 Academy Awards


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FYC: Academy qualified short film 'Perspectives' directed by Neer Shelter | Oscars Shortlist



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Rent Abyss: The Greated Proposal Ever, a short film made with a diverse cast & crew working together to tell a story about Love, Friendship and PTSD! This urban military homecoming drama is a candid glimpse into the troubles surrounding a U.S. Army Sergeant who gets stranded by SEPTA in the inner city when a wild marriage proposal shakes up his plans to reunite with the only family he knows. 

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Is Movie Theater Popcorn better than Microwave Popcorn?

Popcorn Battle

Popcorn is known as one of the healthiest snacks at the grocery store. The level of healthiness still depends on what kind of popcorn that you eat while checking out Movie Theater releases or watching movies at home. Natural popcorn will not be considered here due to the fact that many movie fans eat what is served at theaters and buy microwave popcorn.

Health Factor
Movie theater popcorn usually contains salt and butter. Some theater locations allow movie goers to add their own butter, if preferred. Butter is not a healthy ingredient when consumed in high quantity. This makes Movie Theater popcorn less healthy among the two. A lot of Microwave popcorn products contain the same ingredients, causing it to be an unhealthy snack as well.

The variety of flavors available at the grocery store is one aspect that provides and advantage for Microwave popcorn. These varieties mean it does not have to be purchased with unhealthy ingredients like butter and salt. Movie fans have an option for natural popcorn without salt or butter when buying the microwave version. Microwave popcorn with butter can still be eaten without worrying about health and weight too much. Buy the "light butter" flavored popcorn and keep it in the microwave for an extra 30 seconds. This may cause some of the popcorn to burn a little, but you will be able to sift through it and find popcorn that is not covered in butter. Microwave popcorn is the healthier choice overall in this section.

Points so far: Microwave = 1 Movie Theater = 0

Popcorn Battle

Taste Value
Popcorn obtained at the movie theater tastes much better than microwave popcorn. Unfortunately, this is not always true at movie theaters that sell popcorn that has already been popped and sits at the counter. In these circumstances, microwave popcorn is the better choice. Many of the contemporary movie multiplexes sell pre-popped popcorn that may taste old or like Styrofoam material. This popcorn is purchased in bulk and placed in a machine that warms the popcorn.

Men and women who are die hard popcorn fans will appreciate the good movie theaters that still use fresh kernels. There are movie theaters that make the popcorn right before a movie's Showtime. Their popcorn snack is still fresh, even if they made it a bit earlier in the day. This is the kind of popcorn that exceeds all flavors of microwave popcorn. There is not one bag of microwave popcorn on the market that tastes better than fresh movie theater popcorn.

Microwave popcorn gets stale in about two hours and does not taste the same when it is no longer warm, making it a less desirable choice. Movie theater popcorn can be eaten at any time, even after leaving the venue. Popcorn snacks at Movie Theaters provide the same satisfaction that lasts for hours from the time of your initial purchase.

Microwave popcorn must also be popped right for the best results or you will end of burning it and wasting your money. There is no way to tell what the perfect time frame is for making this snack because microwave appliances vary. Therefore, movie theaters provide the best results in taste value.

Points so far: Microwave = 1 Movie Theater = 1

Popcorn Battle

Price Points
Price is never really important when movie fans have a craving for popcorn. Microwave popcorn will still beat out snacks from the movie theater when you are worried about cost. The smallest bag of popcorn from a local multiplex will cost around $3.00 each. This would not be that expensive if the snack could last for a long time. Unfortunately, that is not the case when it comes to movie theater concessions. Movie theaters do not provide the option to “doggy bag” your popcorn or store it for later use for say, one week after purchase.

You can spend $2.99 on a box of microwave popcorn that contains at least 3 individual pouches. That is nearly the same amount of money for a snack that can last longer than one day. A single purchased movie theater item will likely be thrown in the trash can as soon as the blockbuster hit starts displaying production credits. Sometimes, there is still a significant amount of popcorn left in the bag. It then becomes a waste of money to purchase popcorn at the movie theater. Where price is concerned, microwave popcorn is better than one bag of the same item from a movie theater.

The verdict has been made on the subject of popcorn.
Points so far: Microwave = 2 Movie Theater = 1

WINNER: Microwave Popcorn

Blockbuster Total Access - 2 Week Free Trial

All forms of popcorn distribution are not the same. Therefore, make snack choices based on what it most important. If you want to be healthy, stay away from movie theater popcorn. The same goes for those who are on a tight financial budget. When none of the two factors apply, indulge in a tasty treat while watching your favorite Hollywood movie at the local multiplex.

Which Popcorn type do YOU like better? Leave your Comments below!

BLOCKBUSTER Total Access click to activate coupon for $10 off your first month.

This article was previously published as part of my AC reviews series. Popcorn snacks can be purchased as parties, movie screenings and for watching movies at home but make sure that you know what the options are based on your individual preference.

Bowl of Popcorn Photo: lu_lu
Movie Theater Popcorn Photo: massdistraction
Holding Popcorn Photo:amanky

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Custom Movie Themed Cake Designs to Love

Custom Cake,Movie Food,Party Ideas

Sometimes you just need to have a custom cake, especially for movie themed parties. This "Night at the Movies" photo by crazycaker is one of the most creative custom movie cakes that I have found so far. Mad props go out to crazycaker to this great photo and even more props for making the cake (if you did make the cake). There is just one thing missing....

This custom movie themed cake has it all....a good design and description with some of the ingredients. However, it's missing ordering information. I'm almost certain that movie fans would love to order this cake or something like it. My first impression was that most, if not all items in this picture were edible but there were new findings that made me wonder about whether or not this movie cake could be eaten.

What's up with those wire thingy things situated above the popcorn decoration? If they are sugar sticks or some type of licorice, then the baker or cake designer has a good thing going here. I would not even want to eat this movie cake but freeze it instead. This would be awesome for a birthday party or general movie themed celebrations.

Would you buy or eat this cake? Leave your comments below!

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5 Ways Bootleg DVDs Make You Poor

Bootleg (aka Pirated) DVD movies are very popular in consumer markets. While they provide easy satisfaction, Bootleg or Pirated DVDs actually creates long term financial losses for consumers. As a cash-strapped movie fan, bootleg DVD purchases may seem like you are getting a great deal. It can be easy to notice the vast $10 to $15 difference between Bootleg DVDs and standard retail prices. That huge upfront discount will actually cause you to loose money without even noticing. Learn five ways bootleg DVDs make you poor. These points are especially worth considering if your bills exceed your income:

#1 The "Saving Money" excuse is based on a Myth
Sure, you can get bootleg DVDs at $7 or less on city streets or through some co-workers trying to make side income. A friend who knows a "friend" may also hook you up with a deal at 3-4 DVDs for only $20. As a hard-working consumer, it is easy to justify bootleg movie purchases as your way of saving money. Many people would rather spend $7 than $19.99 on most products whether they are movies or not. The problem here comes with the fact that you are not really saving money by purchasing bootleg DVDs. One of the solutions to saving money is to stop BUYING and start RENTING. This is can be especially beneficial to those of you who purchase pirated movies on a regular basis.

How many DVDs do you really need to own if saving is most important? You can download full-length movies for the same price or less on iTunes, Amazon Unbox and many other websites that offer LEGAL content. These websites offer Hollywood and independent fare at $2.99, $3.99 and $9.99 price tags for rentals and purchases. Movie rentals are also a worthwhile choice if you are really trying to save money. The same $5 spent on a bootleg DVD of Monsters vs. Aliens will get you at least two movie rentals on Netflix. This is not the only option, as Blockbuster also has a rental program where you can rent more movies for the cost of one higher priced bootleg DVD.

It would cost you $20 a month at the low end to watch one movie every weekend using bootleg DVDs. At the high end, you will be spending around $28 for four movies. One of the most expensive Netflix plans will allow you to watch 12 movies within a four week period for less than $18. Blockbuster also provides a similar deal for movie rentals at $19.99, which makes it a lot cheaper than bootleg DVD purchases. Eliminating bootleg DVD movie purchases can save you at least $10 each month.

#2 Bootleg DVDs Have Zero Long Term Value
Authentic DVD movies purchased at full retail price will usually have a used resale value depending on the title. They can be a great way to make extra money or help raise funds during financial hardship. You can trade in your used DVDs and maybe get back 20% or more in cash. This does not apply to bootleg DVDs since they are illegal products and more often lack in quality compared to a Manufacturer's copy. There are dozens of stores and private collectors who will purchase your old DVD movies and pay between $1 and $4 each.

Some stores also buy entire DVD collections, making it easier to get a substantial return on your investment. How many bills or expenses did you have trouble paying in the last 5 years? Your son or daughter's lunch money could be had from the resale of a used DVD if bootleg movies were not chosen instead. Money received from used DVD sales could also be spent on new DVDs, rentals or a new savings plan. You will not have these options if bootleg DVDs are where your money is spent.

#3 It's more than a Bootleg operation
In doing some research on bootleg movie sales and purchases, I noticed a trend in consumer attitudes toward these illegal products. Many people view bootleggers (or bootleg salesmen) as people who are doing what they need to in order to "get by" or "survive" and take care of themselves or their family. While that may be the case, do not fool yourself into believing that survival is the only reason that bootleggers have turned movies into a small business. A post by New Criminologist notes an MPAA financed study given by the Rand Corporation that reveals bootleg movie purchases funding organized crime and terrorism. Of course, the bootlegger who is trying to get $5-$10 from you on the street is not going to tell you that.

It is not to label every single bootlegger as a member of organized crime or a terrorist. However, some bootleggers buy their products wholesale from larger connections or networks that may be affiliated with organized crime or terrorist groups. For every bootlegger that duplicates and packages his or her own DVDs, there are dozens of networks that sell these products and use their profits to fund other illegal activities. Since bootleg movie sales are a black market business, it is not easy for the average consumer to differentiate those who are selling DVDs to "survive" from people who are selling them as part of a larger criminal network.

No matter if bootleg operations are used as fronts for more illegal activity or a method of survival, neither circumstance justifies breaking the law. Every bootleg movie purchase tells criminals that the public accepts their criminal behavior. It does not stop at bootleg movies. Criminals are criminals no matter if they are selling pirated media, robbing stores, posting internet scams or trafficking drugs.

By purchasing bootleg DVDs, you are paying the black market to steal from you later. That is not a benefit of supporting pirated movies, as it just takes more money out of your pocket.

#4 Deal or No Deal?
Are you really getting a bargain at "3 for $20". Bootleg DVDs attract impulse purchases, which does not help your finances. Chances are that men and women who are trying to save money would not visit a movie theater three times in one month. Therefore, you would be saving a minimum of $10 each week if bootlegs were not available. If you would not go to a movie theater repeatedly, the same should apply to bootleg DVD purchases. Movie fans who really want to see a film will pay full price for a movie ticket or newly released DVD whether they have the money or not.

The release of Twilight one a prime example. I know a few people who do not always have money for gas or lunch but would be willing to stand in a line with hundreds of other people to see Twilight. That is just one movie, which may cost $9 or less for students or people who arrive for early showings. The remaining $11 can be saved instead of spending it on bootleg DVDs. Before using your money to buy a single bootleg movie, ask yourself if standing it's worth standing in line for a few hours.

#5 The trickle effect of piracy will cost you big
Have you ever applied for a job? If so, you should understand how the movie industry's multi-million dollar loss due to piracy affects the average working American. Stop justifying your bootleg movie purchases on the fact that Hollywood makes millions of dollars anyway. The fact that Julia Roberts or Will Smith may receive over 5 million dollars per picture does not give anyone the right to excuse bootleg movie sales. Sure, Will Smith is not sweating his water, phone, heat or electric bill but piracy goes farther than movie stars. It's not entirely about Will Smith or 20th Century Fox.

This is about the people who are working at Best Buy to pay for their college tuition. It's about the people working at Blockbuster, AMC Theaters, Regal Cinemas and the like to pay bills and "survive" like those bootleggers that you make excuses for. It is also about the people who are working in U.S. factories and production houses, packaging DVDs, CDs and other media. These are the average Americans who need their jobs. Do you know what happens when studios can't control piracy and big companies like Wal-Mart, Blockbuster and Best Buy lose money because you're buying bootlegs on the street?

Real people lose their jobs, which means that your cousins, friends or next-door neighbors won't be able to pay you that $50 owed to you after borrowing gas/food/babysitter money because they are out of work. Unemployment turns into welfare cases which turns into more taxes for people who work at companies other than Best Buy or Blockbuster, but now have to foot the bill for something that could have been prevented.

"None of these apply to me. It is still better to buy bootleg DVD movies", you say?

Consider the fact that you may still be SOL after buying pirated movies even when none of the previously mentioned points apply to your decisions. At their worst, pirated movies do not have a return policy. There is no guarantee that bootleg DVDs will actually work in your DVD player. That means you are essentially gambling with your money to buy a product that does not provide anywhere near the amount of returns as taking the same chances in Atlantic City, Las Vegas or your state Lottery.

Do you agree or disagree with the sale of bootleg movies?
Leave your comments below!

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Photo: Xandert

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