The Year of Johnny Depp

This is the year of Johnny Depp, actor extraordinaire.
He has more going on than "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," for those of you who care.
2011 marked the announcement of his role in a remake of "The Lone Ranger" for the big-screen.
Johnny Depp is set to play the character of Tonto and whether this was the right casting choice or not remains to be seen.
He has also been the talk of the town for making a cameo appearance in an upcoming film adaptation of "21 Jump Street" reported to be released next year.
Fans of 80s TV shows may not want to miss his return because this "21 Jump Street" appearance seems to be brief, to hear him tell it but, how brief, you ask? Well, that still remains unclear.
So, cheers to Johnny Depp, who I have the pleasure of also announcing as the May 2011 King Dong of The Madlab Post.
He succeeds Vincent D'Onofrio on the throne for special highlights in the upcoming weeks on a man with box office draw and a diverse fan base from coast to coast.
This post is dedicated to Alana at Writercize.
Technorati Tags: wordcount+blogathon, 2011+wordcount+blogathon, may+blogathon, johnny+depp, king+dong, may+king+dong, 2011+king+dong, johnny+depp+movies, wordcount+blogathon+post, wordcount+blogathon+day+8
Reader Comments (7)
I love Johnny Depp! Of course I do, I'm a 21 year old female. I love the movies he has done with Tim Burton. They were made for each other.
Hi Ella,
Based on the reception of his work with Tim Burton, I agree with you :)
I may have only watched the commercials for many of the Tim Burton films though, so I'm probably missing out on some great performances by Johnny Depp. I like his Pirates of the Caribbean movies and plan on watching "The Secret Window" hopefully by summer's end.
I'm a huge Tim Burton fan. I really love Sweeney Todd and Edward Scissorhands. And Secret Window is probably in my top 20 favorite movies ever. Its very thrilling and has a really good ending.
Definitely a must see.
I was concerned when he was cast to be the new Willy Wonka. I was concerned when he was cast to play Ed Wood. I was concerned when he was asked to play a book detective. I was concerned when he wanted to play a pirate.
I have now ceased worrying about his choices in roles. Whatever he does is considered "golden" in my book. 20 years from now we're going to look back at his career with awe and wonder.
And he voiced Rango, too!
I ADORE all things Johnny Depp, he is just so talented! I first really fell in love when I saw him in Edward Scissorhands and have been a fan ever since!! :)
So glad to see that he's made May King Dong. ;) Ah, Johnny. Nice pic by the way.