"Stick Me," says the Monday Movie Meme!

It looks like February is not shaping up to be one of my best months. First, I lose all my data on my iPod last week and today (more like an hour and some change ago), I lost the actual device in a New York taxicab...at the worse time ever! Anyway, this week during the Monday Movie Meme, Dale at Smurfin’ the Web put the focus on movies that revolve around the use of needles or injections. With only about 20 minutes to spare with Internet access before I have to run out and try to find a cell phone store that sells chargers, here are my selections for films in some kind of injection mode.
Angelina Jolie plays the lead character in this made-for-television biopic about the famous model Gia Carangi who became addicted to drugs. In this film, Gia goes from using cocaine to shooting up heroine and later gets HIV from an infected needle.As to be expected, the scenes in the movie are gross and sad as the story progresses. I much prefer the beginning to maybe early middle of the movie, during her fashion shows and magazine cover days.
While the movie may be centered on music, it also does tell a story about the famed musician’s dark side, which includes his drug abuse. I recall the bathroom (or was it a bedroom or hotel room? I forget that detail) scene where one of his background singers found him prepping for his routine shoot-up of heroine (...or something).
I mean, do we really need to even mention “Requiem for a Dream” here? I think not, since it would be an obvious choice on everyone’s list. It’s the first movie that came to mind this morning, when Dale chose the needles and injections topic.
I’ve watched some drug smuggling movies but many of them involved pills such as “Bad Boys II” and “Minority Report” while other movies that I saw at least once involved cocaine use such as “New Jack City.”
Reader Comments (5)
Man...sorry to hear about your iPod. Lemme know if you need data for your replacement!
Injections....injections....lesee...how about:
- Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas (take your pick of scenes)
- Trainspotting (follow the adventures lovable of heroin addicts)
- The Crow (shooting up with Funboy / death of Funboy)
- Sid & Nancy (living from score to score)
- Naked Lunch (injecting insecticide)
Of all of these, Naked Lunch holds a special place in my heart. Picked up a VHS copy in Japan many years ago, got the DVD, and will be picking up the blu-ray when it's released. It's a strange tale (far different from the book), and not a flick for everyone.
I mentioned Requiem on Dale's site, plus some older choices.
http://wrotebyrote.blogspot.com/" rel="nofollow">Wrote By Rote
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Oh no Nicole. I am so sorry. :( I really hope this month turns around for you.....
It's been awhile since I watched it, but Trainspotting came to mind. Erm...I know there have to be a billion, but I can't think of one. Have not seen Ray yet, but have seen Gia. Not something I ever want to watch again.
Great ideas for publicizing the event, and ones I hadn't thought of, thanks!
Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/" rel="nofollow">2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z
Thanks. It was an iPod Touch, so I also had my work on there along with photos and other stuff....it's a real pain in the you-know-what not to be able to get those things back, especially at a time when I need them the most.
I watched Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas back when I was attending college. What a crazy movie! Excellent choice with The Crow. I still have to get that on DVD. I never saw Trainspotting or the other films but strange tales have been just about most of the rentals I've been getting lately, so Naked Lunch may be added to the queue.
Nothing says "Stick Me" like "Requiem"! When I first watched that movie, I thought to myself that this is something that I'll never watch again since it's so disturbing, yet, I later purchased it on DVD....and now, I still can't bring myself to watch the DVD!
Me too. Thanks. It seems to be going around now, where people close to me are also having their own issues that involve having to take legal action, so I'm worried about them while also being worried about me and my own problems...*sigh*...We shall see what comes of this month. You surely won't hear me say that I'm sorry to see it go when it passes and March arrives.
Shannon Lawrence,
It looks like Trainspotting is the popular pick of the week for this meme. I'll have to see if it made my queue. While I am familiar with the title, it was never one of those movies that I had much interest in checking out.
I'm glad you liked my ideas for publicizing the event.
Thank you all, Herman, Lee, Alana and Shannon for your comments!