A Farewell to Denzel: Positive Influences Mean Everything! #bgca #rolemodel #inspiration

"It's one thing to make money. It's another thing to know how to count it. -- They talk about role models, and you see me or LeBron James or somebody on TV bouncing a basketball. But your real role models are those people that are in your club, those people that are in your environment that affect you either positively or negatively.” - Denzel Washington
Join me in saying farewell to Denzel Washington, a man whose talent and wisdom knows no bounds.
It’s been a pleasure to watch him rule as King Dong of February 2012, for which we learned a lot, this time around.
From the importance of preserving the magic of cinema to never being afraid to fail,
Mr. Washington sure knows how to reach his full potential while still maintaining a relatively simplified life, which is probably why he does so well.
Yet, this “Safe House” star refuses to take all the credit for his successful acting career.
For, it is the positive influence of a late mentor as well as encouraging words from a childhood Boys and Girls Club worker that Washington holds near and dear.
Today, the talented actor uses his own success and influence to create a positive impact in the lives of children, by supporting causes that are close to his heart.
Just last Fall, he established the Denzel Washington Endowed Scholarship for undergraduate students majoring in theatere at Fordham University, so the first lucky recipient gets $250,000 to study at the same place where the guy who played Coach Boone in “Remember the Titans” got his start.
The Boys and Girls Club of America, however, is where the 57 year-old Oscar winner for Best Actor continues to teach his biggest lesson...
Even the smallest positive gesture can mean the world to children and he’s a prime example, after never forgetting a Boys and Girls Club worker telling him “Young man, with the smarts you have, You can do anything you want to do,” which left quite an impression.
Denzel Washington serves as a spokesperson for The Boys and Girls Club of America, an organization that helped him become all that he could be and more.
As he takes on new roles in upcoming films while stressing education and surrounding kids with good role models, let’s look forward to what else he has in store!
“The most dangerous time for children are between 3 and 6 o'clock, when they're out of school. They're going to join some club. They're going to line up with the athletes, the jocks, or the jerks, or the nerds, or the goths, or the druggies. They're going to do something. They're going to be negatively influenced, unless they're positively influenced. And that is our responsibility as adults." - Denzel Washington
I read that Denzel Washington has interest in maybe becoming a Pastor someday. Do YOU think he would make a good one? Would YOU attend his church?
Technorati Tags: denzel+washington+safe+house, denzel+washington+boys+and+girls+club, denzel+washington+charity, boys+and+girls+club+of+america+denzel+washington, bgca+denzel+washington, denzel+washington+bgca, denzel+washington+king+dong, denzel+washington+february+2012, february+king+dong, denzel+washington+scholarship, denzel+washington+fordham+university, denzel+washington+remember+the+titans, denzel+washington+psa, denzel+washington+education, denzel+washington+role+models,
Reader Comments (2)
Pastor Denzel? It depends on his theology a little, but I sure would. The man practices what he preaches, that's 90% of the battle. A great series you've had.
Man....it's March already?! What happened to the last couple of months?
As for Mr. Washington being a good Pastor, hells to the yes! Would I attend his church....that's a tough one. Being raised Greek Orthodox and with all that entails, I quickly found myself avoiding church. I'm more of a "the God I understand" type of person who's not big into organized religion. I believe, I just don't practice. More power to those that do, though.
To quote Ben Folds, "Whatever and ever, amen."