Neighbors from Hell and New Monday Movie Meme Visitors #atozchallenge #atoz

“Nightingale, sing us a song of a love that once belonged. Nightingale, tell me a tale. Was your journey far too long? All the voices that are spinnin’ around me trying to tell me what to say. Can I fly right behind you? And you can take me away”
“Nightingale” by Norah Jones is one of those songs that I tend to play if I want to fall asleep or relax after a long day. My mention of such habits are not meant to imply that this is a boring tune or less-than-entertaining track. It just packs a smooth sound with simple lyrics to make for one very calming retreat in the world of music. I am not quite sure if this song is about any one thing in particular -- it seems as though Norah Jones possibly made it up while looking out the window, staring at a bird. I could be wrong.
Either way, birds are interesting creatures -- or shall I say, they symbolize so many different things to us. One bird or a flock of them soaring through a clear and sunny sky could remind us of a new day ahead, where we can start fresh, knowing that with each new day lies great opportunity.
Today, my Monday Movie Meme co-host, Dale at Smurfin’ the Web is highlighting a band called Nightwish. While Dale continues to introduce us to some new music during in the A to Z Challenge, I’m using this time to give all of you who are new to The Madlab Post and/or new to the Monday Movie Meme a little glimpse into one of our previous meme topics that just so happens to start with the letter N.
Neighbors from Hell
Movies featuring neighbors who make you want to relocate or wish you never moved into a particular place of residency.
Read My List of the Worst Neighbors in Film
Read Smurfin’ the Web’s List of the Worst Neighbors in Film
Have YOU or anyone close to you ever been annoyed by a rude, nosey or inconsiderate neighbor?
If so, what was the experience like?
If not, how would YOU handle a neighbor from hell?
Stay tuned in here next week for a fresh installment of the Monday Movie Meme that I have brewing!
In the meantime, hop on over to Smurfin’ the Web and check out what the Smurfdok has been cookin’ up for the A to Z Challenge.
Reader Comments (6)
*We had an odd neighbor a few years ago. He lived alone and swore to himself constantly (and loudly!), which I didn't appreciate with my kids around. His garage used to flood and since he kept his garage spotless, this was NOT acceptable. One day I saw him digging a trench along the back edge of our property. He was laying PVC pipe to try to divert the water, and it would be draining into our yard!. I had to tell him (very nicely) that what HE was doing was not acceptable.
Yes, I've been unfortunate enough to live next to a nosy neighbor a couple of times, and for a while we had neighbors who were doing car painting and repairs in their garage. The fumes and the noise were terrible. Luckily, they were renters so the owner finally saw the light and evicted them.
Interesting post. I hadn't seen any of the films that either of you mentioned (which isn't surprising, I tend to re-watch favorites a lot of the time) but yes, I suppose everyone has had some "interesting" neighbors at some point.
Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today!
neighbors from hell is a sensitive topic for me right now. Enough said. :)
We did have a neighbor who was hell spawn. They constantly threw loud parties, smoked pot in their garage, had live bands over, attracted a Harley Davidson-type crowd over all the time, got drunk and wandered around the neighborhood. But sheer luck and a solid police presence (and, I'm sure, thanks to the economy) they finally moved away. The neighborhood was *finally* able to settle down, and things have been smooth sailing since.
Yes, it only takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole bunch.
Dawn Malone,
From the cursing to himself to trying to flood your yard, it sounds like that neighbor of yours was cuckoo for coca puffs!
Patricia Stoltey,
Noisy neighbors are aggravating, indeed, but fumes? Now that's enough to make you mad for sure, because while noise can stop, fumes tend to linger even when the source of the fumes are no longer active....kinda like cooking or sewage backups. I feel for you. Good thing they had to move.
Beth Stilborn,
I re-watch favorites all of the time (I just finished watching Lord of the Rings: Return of the King for the 3rd time, after watching The Fellowship of the Ring at least 4 times these past few weeks, lol) too but also make room for new flicks :) You gotta get with the program, woman! Netflix, Blockbuster, iTunes, HBO, Showtime, USA...the list goes on. Your homework for this week is to watch a new movie and then report back here on what you thought about it.
Those "interesting" neighbors that you speak of are everywhere....a friend of mine used to have one who was so loud due to repeat altercations with a significant other, that she always knew exactly what was going on in their relationship and they were complete strangers. She told me one of them cheated and the other was trying to make sense of it and was crying....and this is all from the fact that they were so I wonder, were they loud or were the walls just too hollow? Something to think about.
I catch your drift and hope the sensitive nature of this topic comes to pass :)
Afterward, feel free to share the experience...on your blog or mine! Ha!
Those pot-smoking, motorcycle riding, partying neighbors of yours moved away alright....right to jail, probably. I doubt you'd be surprised if prison was their new place of residency, lol. Its nice that your neighborhood was able to find some peace after the rotten apple left the area.