V is for Movie Villains - A Wordless Wednesday Rewind #atozchallenge

“All this talk of getting old, it’s getting me down my love...like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown, this time I’m coming down. And I hope you’re thinkin’ of me, as you lay down on your side. Now the drugs don’t work, they just make you worse, but I know I’ll see your face again. “
“The Drugs Don’t Work” by The Verve is one of my favorite songs from this group, despite the fact that it can be pretty depressing to play. Since this has been a cloudy day for me, I’m taking a step back from writing medium to long posts for the A to Z Challenge. Needless to say, today’s V topic has nothing to do with my chosen playlist song. So after taking a page from Jenn at Wine-n-Chat’s book of blog posting today, here is a photo featuring my favorite movie villain, in honor of Wordless Wednesdays. Can YOU guess who it is?
Now, answer me this...
Who is YOUR favorite movie Villain?
Reader Comments (5)
I'll go with Darth Vader for my favorite villain. So conflicted and so mean! Can you get more evil than an all black suit? : ) Thank you, btw, for the birthday wishes you left on my blog the other day. Appreciate it!
Hi Nicole - great "V" post. I'm a fan of villains and would have a hard time picking just one.
I'm wracking my brain on the one you have in this post, I'll have to come back for the reveal!
I hope you are enjoying the A to Z Challenge, you've been such a great supporter of the team. Thank you!
Jenny @ Pearson Report
Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.
I would have to go with green goblin.
Sonia Lal @ Story Treasury
Does Black Widow count as a villain? If not I will go with the Joker- Heath Ledger version of course :)
Great post! Have to love to hate movie villains. I agree that Darth Vader is my favorite.