Birthday Celebrations on Film #Monday #Movie #Meme

The dessert is staying out this week after we discussed wild, awkward and sometimes ugly dinner table behavior last week, thanks to a guest topic suggestion by Tina at Life is Good.
I recently interviewed director Amir Motlagh on his short film “35 Year Old Man,” so this week’s Monday Movie Meme theme is inspired by his movie and in celebration of his deadCenter Film Festival screenings. The current Monday Movie Meme theme is: Age-Appropriate.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, either your favorite or most memorable birthday celebrations that took place in a movie. Remember to visit the blogs of fellow Monday Movie Meme participants and also link back to this blog post if your response is on your own blog. I must admit, after selecting the theme, I had some difficulty recalling movies featuring characters that had a birthday in the storyline. Here are my selections for this week’s Age-Appropriate topic.
13 Going on 30
A teenage girl named Jenna, per her wishes, becomes a beautiful, successful, "flirty and thriving” adult woman, after being sprinkled with magic dust from the roof of a doll house at her 13th birthday party. Oh, if only it were that easy in real life!
But wait, there’s more -- the birthday party ends abruptly after a cruel closet prank on Jenna turns sour.
One obese girl named Cara-Ethyl spends her 18th birthday party at home, voicing imaginary people in an attempt to convince her blind mother that she has friends. Unfortunately, since there are zero guests in attendance, this teenager is stuck celebrating a huge milestone with a parent (who cannot see her cake, much less serve it properly) and an annoying younger sibling. Her birthday starts to become more exciting when she meets a pizza delivery man who reluctantly shows her around town and helps her have the best night of her life. The experience, however, isn’t as easy as pie -- the two strangers encounter some odd and potentially dangerous situations throughout the movie.
What are the most memorable birthday party celebrations that YOU saw in film?
Reader Comments (4)
Hmmm...this will take some thought. Although I'm really glad to see a MMM even though it's Tuesday. I was just getting in the groove and couldn't find it yesterday! Regardless, you shall have my contribution soon.
Tina @ Life is Good
Sixteen Candles comes to mind. The movie where the rich guy falls officially out of love with the rich girl and makes his move for the not-so-fab girl that's been crushing on him since forever and vice versa. Yeah...their kiss over that birthday cake is quiet, classic and beautiful.
You ain't kidding. This *is* a tough one. So tough, in fact, that I had to delay my comment just to think about it. Here goes...
-Rocky Horror Picture Show (is there no category that this film can't cover?)
-Logan's Run: Well, not so much a party, rather more like a manhunt ;-)
-The Game: Soon to be released on blu-ray (yay for David Fincher films!)
-LotR: The Fellowship Of The Ring: Bilbo's 111th birthday!
-Uncle Buck: A pancake cake sounds good to me!
I was away from the computer for most of the day, resulting in me getting a Monday Movie Meme post up later than expected. I'll be sure to check out your post, to read which selections you come up with for this week's topic :) Thanks for your participation!
Angela Brown,
Can you believe it....I don't think I've ever watched Sixteen Candles, although I am familiar with that movie. It might be on my Netflix queue somewhere. I look forward to watching that birthday cake kiss you describe. I think it's cute when the no-so-fab girls get the last laugh in stories like that :)
Be honest....Rocky Horror Picture Show is your *safe* go-to movie when all else fails! LOL. A movie that fits in almost ANY category is a movie that is probably not only thorough but well worth having in a DVD collection....if only for nothing other than to win trivia games during dinner parties and trump everybody else's answer to whatever question arises ;)
A manhunt for a birthday?!! I'm going to have to read up on Logan's Run to figure out if I need to add that to my Netflix queue. You know, I wondered if there was a birthday in LOTR but I just couldn't think of one, for the life of got it there! Your choice of The Game (that's the Michael Douglas movie, right?) is an EXCELLENT choice for this week's meme. That was some plot twist, I tell ya! I'm not sure if I've heard of Uncle Buck before but a pancake cake makes for one helluva tasty birthday!