An Uncommon Union - Can You Name this Movie? #atozchallenge #wordlesswednesdays

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Are you ready for the best blog hop on the net? #atozchallenge
*All 31 "Prompts" might not be featured on this blog; I have my own schedule and topics to adhere to.
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Rent Abyss: The Greated Proposal Ever, a short film made with a diverse cast & crew working together to tell a story about Love, Friendship and PTSD! This urban military homecoming drama is a candid glimpse into the troubles surrounding a U.S. Army Sergeant who gets stranded by SEPTA in the inner city when a wild marriage proposal shakes up his plans to reunite with the only family he knows.
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Reader Comments (8)
Underworld, isn't it? I've only seen the first two and I loved them... I really ought to get myself a copy of this one. I love Michael Sheen, he's amazing!
Hey, friend! Nope, I can't name the movie or the actor, but he sure looks like a hunka burning loooove. :) Looks a little rough around the edges, too. Kinda like one of Barbara Cartland's characters, eh? Best regards to you. Ruby
Rise of the Lycans (Underworld III the prequel)!
I see Kate Beckinsale in her standard Underworld pasted on gear (I would dislike her if she didn't look so darn fabulous in it lol!!) Wondering if this is an Underworld franchise movie?
Something with Lycans and vamps but not sure of the series.
I should check those out--I like them both...
Visiting from A to Z:
Shoot. Somebody already beat me to "Underworld". Funny enough, Underworld is actually an enjoyable movie series, unlike another one I could mention (*Cough*Couth*Resident Evil*Cough*Cough*). Heh...
I'm too late to say Underworld, but I think that's it. If not, it should be. :-)
Looks like you have two movies down and two to go, as four of them have been released so far. Either way, yes, the photo above represents one of the Underworld films, so you got it! -- sorta lol. Thanks for visiting today :)
Although I have no idea what Barbara Cartland character you're referencing in the comment, if he looks anything like the guy in this photo, then he's doing alright in my book. I like your description of him as a "hunka love." I'm might quote it in a future King Dong post.
Matthew MacNish,
Thanks for checking out my Letter U post. Yes, you are correct! You are also the first person to answer with the specific installment from the series: "Underworld: Rise of the Lycans." Kudos to you :)
Your comment made me laugh 'cause at first it sounded like you had it out for Kate -- gotta love a chick who can rock out the battle/war gear, LOL. Also, YES, you are correct, as in it is from one of the films in the Underworld franchise. Good to know you're up on your fantasy/vampire/action flicks! Aside from the Blade franchise, Underworld is about the only vampire story that I can tolerate. I don't know why...must be the forbidden love and dominance of one species over the other thing. The costumes and battles scenes don't hurt their case either ;)
I'll tell you got the Lycan and Vampire thing down perfectly. That's counting for something! I highly recommend you check out the Underworld series. I doubt that you will be disappointed. It is an entertaining franchise.Thanks for visiting and commenting on my Letter U/Wordless Wednesday post.
Yeah a few early birds got it down but It happens to the best of us, my friend :) I knew you would get the above pic immediately tho. I agree with you that Resident Evil and Underworld are not even in the same league....but it's something about Alice's wacky adventures that have made me a fan of those cheesy flicks. The earlier ones were much better; Nowadays, it's become utterly ridiculous. Still, it's among my guilty pleasures. I guess that's kinda masochistic of me, huh? LOL
C. Lee McKenzie,
Better late than never! You are absolutely correct in your is one of the Underworld movies. Thanks for stopping by my blog today!