Monday Movie Meme – Zero Explanation… #wtf

At the typing of today’s post, its Monday, 9:45pm and I am super pissed.
For some reason that I cannot determine at this time (nor have I heard any word back from the service, yet), my profile count of followers and people who I’m following on Twitter is at zero. Since I’m not tweeting on a daily basis, I didn’t know this occurred until this evening while updating my blog. After doing some investigation, it looks like the most recent updates that I received from the people I’m following were from last week – on Thursday! WTF happened over the weekend?!!! Anyway, I would like to issue a public apology to everyone who started following me on Twitter, as well as to those who I’ve followed on that social media platform.
I’m hoping that the Twitter Support team can get to the bottom of this and send me some answers as to why this occurred and the next steps going forward. Now that I’m aggravated, the theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme will be pushed back to next week, to make room for a more pressing one: Unexplained Events.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring strange occurrences that affect people in an either inconvenient or problematic way. Here are my selections for this week’s Unexplained Events theme.
The Forgotten
Two strangers race to find answers about a crash involving their children, in this psychological thriller starring Julianne Moore and Dominic West. The main characters are met with resistance by people and forces that claim these kids never existed.
The Adjustment Bureau
A politician fights for his freedom in shaping his life after learning that certain aspects of his existence and future is being controlled by a group of strange men in suits. If that wasn’t already an issue in and of itself, these men also claim to answer to some elusive head honcho they refer to as “the Chairman” in this romantic Sci-Fi thriller starring Matt Damon and Anthony Mackie.
The Sixth Sense
Nothing says strange like a little boy who communicates with the spirits of dead people – but that’s what goes down in this mystery thriller starring Bruce Willis and Haley Joel Osment.
What movies featuring unexplained events have YOU watched?
Reader Comments (9)
I just had to comment about Twitter. Last week they suspended my account. I mean, WTF?? I am not a crazy stalker twitterer or anything like that. I'm just a normal gal who tweets occasionally, follows occasionally, and RTs occasionally so WTF happened? I emailed them to complain and I received an automated response saying I must be some kind of twitter monster (okay, maybe not those words... exactly, but close).
I emailed back and complained again. Within a day, I was back online without a word or apology from twitter. I have since heard from various people that this happened to them during the same few days... so whatever it was, must have affected you too. I hope you get all your followers back... that really is unacceptable!
Suzy Turner, YA Author
Twitter doesn't seem to have the most robust infrastructure...
Serenity River Tam has always been a strange mystery throughout the Firefly series, but when she suddenly snaps and turns into a kung-fu master, they the whole crew wants to find out exactly what happened in the 'verse that set her off.
I suspect there will be no explanation forthcoming from Twitter -_-
The movie, The Fountain, was a great mind bender of a movie. It falls under the "unexplainable" category for me because I think an explanation may have been given but I missed it each time I watched it. But I keep watching it because i love Rachel Weisz :-)
Inception. Always through that one out their when it comes to things I can't explain. Still confused by that movie.
Props for suggesting The Forgotten. This "forgotten" flick is nothing but fun, and the scene with the woman floating away always gets me jumping! Heh...
If I had to suggest some films showcasing unexplained events, I'd have to go with:
Dead Man: Was Johnny Depp dead from scene one? I'd like to think so
Knowing: An underrated Nic Cage flick about future events
The Lady In Black: An evenly-paced film, but that ending...well done!
Contact: I'll always stick up for this film. I guess people were expecting a sci-fi extravaganza when it came out. Forest for the trees, I guess...
The Shining: Was it cabin fever or something else that pushed Jack over the edge?
Wow...I had to force myself to stop at five films. This was an awesome topic!!
Oh no...did my comment not make it? I'm now a sad panda... ;-)
The suspension and then re-appearance of your account, without so much as an apology or explanation of what happend from Twitter is an unprofessional move on their part. It's great that your account was back online quickly, so that's a positive, but the way they handled well as my followers/following issue (they didn't send me any further correspondence or explanations either), doesn't sit well with me. I look at the service differently now and will be adjusting my online/social media practices accordingly. Thank you for your comment, Suzy! I is unacceptable.
The funny thing is their infrastructure was rarely a nuisance to me...until now. Firefly is vaguely familiar but the transformation that you describe does sound interesting :)
You suspected correctly....Twitter didn't send me any explanation whatsoever regarding my issue. That sucks and they have surely lost some brownie points with me. The Fountain...hmm..I'm familiar with Rachel Weisz but can't say I've seen that particular film. Any movie that has you watching it multiple times just to figure it out HAS to be good. It's like a new adventure with every viewing! :)
Great choice with Inception! I was sooo going to add that movie to my list but passed on it at the last minute. You're not along in the confusion department with Inception....I considered turning it off because it was so confusing, it made me mad...but I stuck it out and am glad I did because it became easier to understand as the story progressed and it's a kick-ass film! :)
I apologize about your missing comment. It got stuck in Squarespace's limbo and I had to go in and manually knock that kink out...again; Oh yeah, that scene with the floating lady is something else. It actually creeps me out badly. Yo, Contact and Knowing are two films that I've been on the fence about watching for some time...or maybe not on the fence...moreso procrastinating. Ah well...
Thanks for playing this week's meme. I'm glad you think it was anwesome!!! :)
Here's hoping the panda's happy now ;)
WOW, that's weird. I don't do much with twitter, except add links from currently blogs daily. Hope you're able to get it fixed. And now drum roll...I just finished the whole road trip linky...well except for those on google+ that you can't visit and comment because they only allow google+...don't like to join something just to leave a comment.
Still blogging after the a-z, glad to see you are too
You've successfully turned my frown upside down :-) Heh....