Monday Movie Meme: The Sisterhood of Award Recipients

The theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is based on the kindness of my Road Trip partner, Tina Downey at Life is Good. Thanks to Tina, I received the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.” It is given to 10-12 lovely lady friends of previous award recipients but I will pass the badge onto eight of the coolest blogger chicks I know because...well...I need to keep it as short and sweet as possible, ok?!
So, let's get down to business with the Monday Movie Meme theme: Badges of Honor.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring people who receive awards in one or more scenes. The awards can be in any form (statue, certificate, medal, sash, crown, etc.) and can -- but do not have to necessarily -- result from competitions or contests.
Here are my selections for this week’s Badges of Honor theme, followed by the ladies to whom I’m passing the “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.”
The Fighter
Different guys win prize money, titles, Championship belts and/or a combination of the three in this boxing movie about two brothers torn apart by greed, family quarrels and bad reputations. It stars Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams.
Courage Under Fire
Army Lieutenant Serling (played by Denzel Washington) who fought in the Gulf War receives a Silver Star upon his return. He later heads an investigation that intends to qualify Army Captain Walden as the first woman in history to win a Medal of Honor for valor in combat. Two awards, one movie. Checkmate!
Troop Beverly Hills
A ritzy housewife leads her daughter’s Wilderness Girl scouting troop in a race to become recognized by their regional council -- that’s if a nearby competing troop doesn’t interfere with their progress. There is a trophy at the end and I won’t tell you who wins it, for it would spoil the plot of this movie. So, go on and watch it’s cookie time!
Now, here are my eight “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award” recipients:
So much can be said about Angela Brown at Pursuit of Publishness that I know I’m not alone in the army of appreciation for her strides in the blogging world. When Angela is not publishing her own YA novellas and working on future stories, she uses any remaining free time to support the work of other authors while also raising the profile of blog posts, giveaways and other online happenings that might otherwise fall under the radar.
Sydney Aaliyah who shares Happiness, Passion, Love & Faith to those who care to welcome a healthy dose of her musings. She quotes the movies like a true cinemaniac while also letting you know that the stories behind tattoos, and the people who rock them, are often much different -- sometimes even more surprising, than we think.
I always look forward to getting my glimpses of overseas travel, life ponderings and positive vibes from Erika at Chimerikal. She has a lot of offer the world and is very supportive of those in her circle. Erika is honestly the one of the (few), if not the most, best things that came of the Blog Everyday in May Challenge and for that, I am grateful to have found a new blogging buddy.
Alana Garrigues at Writercize has good things cooking up in her box of writing tricks. She teaches us how to play with words in a way that’s fun and useful for build our mental strength and creativity.
In addition to being my fellow LAMB, Shala Thomas at Life Between Films spreads her love of indie cinema through film festival reviews, roundups, recommendations and artist spotlights.
Kristen Dyrr at Random Musings from the KristenHead is among those who make sure my blogging efforts aren’t done in vain. She re-started blogging with a bang after Posterous closed down and if I don’t say so myself, this fellow caretaker of felines (aside from having the A-to-Z and Blog Blitz in common, we’re both cat mommies) has done a great job of making her fresh start count with a growing network of friends, fans and followers. Go Kristen!
When you come across someone like Alison at AliOfftheMark, who tells it like it is -- or how she perceives it to be, you gotta appreciate the raw and uncensored material. Ali’s not one for sugar-coating things such as the awkwardness of teaching your toddlers how to refer to their “lady parts” and finding some normalcy and practicality in pay-by-the-hour hotels, she keeps it real.
Paula at Paula’s Place is one of the strongest women that I’ve had a chance to come across this year. Her life experiences could make for one heck of a memoir; Paula’s family should be proud of her compassion for people and the work she’s done as a health professional. I’m just glad to have the opportunity to check out what she contributes to the online space.
What movies have YOU watched that feature people receiving awards?
Reader Comments (12)
Thanks so much Nicole. I am honored. Movies that people receive awards, Forest Gump. haha.
I am so honored and I love the award. I will proudly display it on my blog along with your very sweet comment. I can come back and check it out then when I might be down. I am not a movie watcher so forgive me if I can't think of a movie with an award. You are very kind!
Thanks for mentioning me! I really appreciate it :)
Movies with badges...we don't need no stinking badges...sigh. Couldn't help it. I haven't met any of your lovely Sisters, but will be sure to pay them a visit soon!
Ok...badges. All that comes to mind is football movies where underdogs win. Rudy. Facing the Giants. Remember the Titans. So no badges but titles and honor and integrity and grit.
Tina @ Life is Good
Congratulations, Nicole! Nice post, as usual. The first two movies you listed are really good. The 3rd, I haven't seen. Looking forward to checking out the blogs in your sisterhood list. Best of the evening to you!
Thank you for the award. I really enjoy doing what I do since it's not all about me. It's about this great community of ours and sharing with each other and the world.
Secretariat and Akeelah and the Bee come to mind with I think of movies with badges.
Troop Beverly Hills! I haven't thought of that one in years other than the fact that she left Cheers to make it. I always wonder if she regretted that decision. Congrats on the award Nicole.
Wow Nicole... this is such an honor! Your words have truly made my day and have put such a smile on my face! I wish I could express my gratitude more eloquently, but I suppose this will have to do. THANK YOU! :)
Thank you for the award. :)
You're oh so welcome and that "Forrest Gump" one threw me for a loop! lol
I continue to be surprised by all of the non-movie watchers I'm coming across this year, lol. Display the away anywhere, antime and in any way you wish. It is yours to enjoy :)
You got it! There are so many websites and blogs dedicated to Hollywood, that I thought it is so refreshing to see people like you providing audiences with more options along the indie route, to quench their thirst for cinema.
Spoken like an underdog who does it for the love rathern than the badges and glory. Good choice with "Remember the Titans"...can't go wrong with that. I haven't watched the other two flicks you mentioned and do plan to remedy that with Rudy, thanks to my buddy Herman putting that one on my radar. May you find one (or two or three...) of my aforementioned "sisters" to be as much of a must-read, like I do :)
Thank you very much. I sooo appreciate Tina's efforts in linking us together, moreso because I had a chance to be introduced to your Effectively Human blog. You might really enjoy "Troop Beverly Hills." It's unlike the first two, in that there is more comedic material involved...including some outrageous stunts that seem to only work in the context of the story...because no sane person would likely try them at home, lol.
The pleasure is all mine :) There might be a quote or saying somewhere that suggests the more you give, the more you get in return. Or, maybe something along the lines of reaching one's goals as a result of helping others reach theirs....or something like that. I don't remember exactly, but you get the gist of it, right? Awww, "Akeelah and the Bee" was such an adorable little movie and an excellent pick for this week's meme...Angela Bassett was rather sassy in that one, lol. I'm not sure if I'm familiar with "Secretariat"....will have to look that one up!
Tell me you're kidding. She must've had her reasons or wanted to spread her wings and test the waters. You'd probably agree with me when I say that she coul've done TV and Film without leaving one of the most successful shows ever. Sheesh! I guess we'll find out if she would do it again if time travel was possible. Maybe she'll do a memoir or reflective book that contains the answers....until then I suppose it will remain one of those "They did what???!!!" moments. Then again, Jessican Biel left 7th Heaven -- at the height of that show's success -- to do film and she's continued to make movies ever since...showing that the decision can work depending on the type and quality of material the actor choose to do. Thanks for participating in this week's meme :)
Looks like you've expressed yourself pretty well! To bring a smile to someone is one of the priceless gifts that benefit both parties, I think. Cheers to you and I'm glad you enjoy the award!
Of course! You're so worth it :)
I've added this award to my About This Blog page under "Awards and Recognition." Thank you so much again, Nicole! :)
Hey Ms. Mad Lab! Really nice to see you online! This blog is out of this world! I really like it, your doing a really nice job here. Interacting, niche, super professional look, family like feel. Umm are men allowed on this sight?? ;) This is definitely away to reach your audience and build your brand...Kudos to the ever inventive, and always interesting Nicole Ayers over at Mad Lab Post.