Sunday Synopsis - Experimenting with Themed Weeks. Cast Your Vote.

Writer’s block and time management are some of the biggest challenges that I deal with while juggling blogging duties with filmmaking matters and my general day-to-day life. Thankfully, one of my favorite blogs by Australian husband and father Darren Rowse, has helped me hone in on a possible solution for the former matter that could help me also get a handle on the latter issue – themed weeks!
Darren and his team write posts about blogging, centered on topics that help people with the maintenance, growth, challenges and many other aspects of having a blog. He is also big on using series to get the creative juices flowing and thus, has been doing themed weeks at least once per month on his blog, focusing on subjects such as content and tips for newbies. I’m experimenting with my version of a theme week to figure out if that will help streamline my blogging activities so I won’t find myself scrambling to figure out which topics to focus my attention on.
Here are some upcoming themes that I have in the works:
- Special Features Week – All about topics involving the “extra features” on DVDs.
- Posters Week – A continuation of observations and discussions about key art concepts for a film and what works in movie poster designs versus what doesn’t benefit certain flicks.
- Film Festival Week – My experiences attending festivals and/or submitting to festivals, along with observations about various aspects of festival-related matters that affect independent filmmakers.
How long does it take YOU to carry out all of your blogging (or online) activities?
What do YOU think about this theme week experiment? Is it a deal or no deal?
Are there any particular themes of interest YOU want to suggess for me to cover here at The Madlab Post?
*Movie Screening photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.
Reader Comments (3)
I like the idea of DVD reviews, especially when it comes to extras. It would be nice to hear reviews or reports on Director commentaries and their thoughts on why certain scenes were left in or left on the cutting room floor. Understanding how Directors think would not only help those who which to learn more about film, but it would also increase our enjoyment of the medium as well.
Just a thought...
I think the theme idea would be great. As for suggestions, I don't have any in mind right now (also don't have any caffeine which could be another problem all on its own lol!).
Thanks for chiming in on this theme thingy. It feels kinda weird doing reviews; I'll likely do the latter of what you suggested about reports on certain special features of DVDs. After reading your comment, I started looking into Director commentaries and found out that there are dozens of movies that I need to get again, or find the right "version" of, just to take a looksee at the extras menu. Might it be better to do a Director commentary Theme week, separate from other special features? That could possibly help to cover more ground :)
Your thoughts are ALWAYS welcome, my friend!
Good to know where you're at on this theme idea. We gotta get you some caffeine....can't have that withdrawal stopping you in your tracks, lol. I'll be organizing this to get it into full swing after the A-to-Z Challenge, so if any suggestions come to mind, feel free to send them my way.