At a loss for words
This has been a busy month with many developments for Madlab Entertainment. I have been working on a wedding that was shot labor day weekend. During this time, I have been reminded of my total hatred for weddings. I don't know why I do them. Why would anyone? Many people do them for money, but get real! We all know the saying "Do what you love....". That should always be applied when considering a job in video production. It doesn't matter if it's a wedding, sporting event, graduation, depositions or an actor's audition tape. The only video professionals who should do weddings are people who actually enjoy weddings. I do not enjoy these events, therefore I have put myself in a rut by agreeing to produce yet another wedding video.
If it isn't a short or feature, I enjoy things that can go fast, like a prom or sports. Symposiums and conferences are good if you have access to the proper equipment that will enable you to capture audio on a crisp line. Also, the fact that these jobs usually pay well (being held by private schools, corporations and government officials) doesn't hurt either. Weddings do not go fast. They are slow and draining. Also, depending on the clients, it is hard to please people. People (the general public/consumers/non-corporate) are never satisfied and they don't deliver on all of the things that you request, such as certain information or a designated area for you to place your equipment and/or yourself.
I have been reflecting on the weddings that I have done within the last 4 years and I am so done, it isn't even funny. I love video and film. Those of us who truly love what we do enjoy every bit of it.
While not trying to sound hypercritical, doing weddings is painful to me. It is frustrating and in the end, no amount of money under 1 million dollars is going to make it worthwhile for me. It just doesn't work for me. Therefore, I will NOT do another wedding again. My last statement is so disappointing since I said the same thing before, around November of last year as a matter of fact.
I didn't stick to it, but I must this time. I have to before I drive myself crazy.
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