Fox Searchlight Holding a Open Call for Notorious B.I.G. Movie

While browsing a few websites, I found out that both experienced and non-experienced actors can audition to be in the new movie, Notorious that is being produced by Fox Searchlight Pictures. P. Diddy is said to be the exceutive producer of this film. So, you know it's going to be a huge deal. This is a great opportunity for those (with talent) who could not try out for American Idol because there wasn't an acting category. My dear readers, if you think that you have what it takes to emulate this rap icon, audition for the Notorious movie by all means.
Rolling Stone reported that this film will focus more on the private life of the Notorious B.I.G. so it looks like this is something that many fans will be attracted to. I wonder which parts of his private life will be shown exactly. Many fans are familiar with the rumored affair that he had with rapper Lil' Kim. Hollywood films have portrayed these romantic relationships in numerous biopics about music artists. While that may be a juicy portion of the Notorious movie, I hope that this relationship is not prevalent in the film. It would be great to see his rise to stardom and what he went through when he wasn't in the spotlight.
Forrest Whitaker was considered for the role of the Notorious B.I.G. in this film. However, the actor's age caused him not to be the right fit for the story. If age was not an issue, Forrest Whitaker would have taken the Notorious movie to new heights. He is a very talented actor who has the ability to make more people notice this movie. Those who want to audition for the main role will have to bring more than looks ot the table. Casting officials are looking for someone who can represent the swagger, stature, sensibility and energy of the Notorious B.I.G which is something that close friends and family say is hard to find. If you want to audition, go to or check out the studio's website.
Technorati Tags: Fox+Searchlight, | P.+Diddy, | The+Notorious+B.I.G., | Movies, | Music, | Rap, | The+Notorious+B.I.G.+Movie, | Casting+Call
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