Do you know What's Scarier than The Exorcist?

During an interview at a Comic-Con press conference for Mirrors, Keifer Sutherland did not claim The Exorcist, Amityville Horror or a few other popular movies as his favorite horror film. Movies like The Exorcist are obvious titles that young and older movie fans speak of when asked about their favorite horror films. Amityville Horror and The Shining are not far behind, even for some of his co-workers from Mirrors. The result for favorite horror movies is not as cut-and-dry when it comes to Keifer Sutherland. You're going to need more than The Exorcist to scare this actor. Our King Dong of April 2009 has another horror film on his mind. It is a movie title that many of you may not have even watched but one worth checking out....
Want to know what's scarier than The Exorcist according to Kiefer Sutherland? Try a 1970s Horror movie, The Car! This movie was about a black Lincoln automobile that "went into this small town and basically ran everybody over", says Sutherland. The car in this horror movie could even go through houses. Graveyards and churches were the only places where this automobile "possessed by the devil" couldn't go according to Sutherland.
Kiefer Sutherland lived on the 14th floor of an apartment building in Toronto around the time that he watched The Cars. Despite living on the 14th floor, this actor was "still scared that this car was going to manage to get through, get up there, and run me over". If you are a horror movie fan and have not watched The Car, rent it today at Blockbuster or Netflix. You can also try to borrow The Car from a friend or relative if someone has this old movie in their collection of VHS tapes.
Read the full interview with Kiefer Sutherland if you want find out what got him interested in working on Mirrors.
Have you seen The Car? Let us fellow film lovers know if it was a good movie or not by leaving your comments below!
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Reader Comments (4)
The Car is classic cinema! Whenever this movie is mentioned I'm reminded of another similar movie called "Duel", a made-for-TV movie written by Stephen King. Skipping the whole "possessed by the devil" angle, the vehicle in question is controlled by another form of unknown evil. The Car was recently re-released on DVD, and (thankfully) can still be" REL="nofollow">picked up on Amazon.
It's nice to know that you and Kiefer Sutherland have something in common when it comes to favoring The Car. At first, I thought that I didn't know what Kiefer Sutherland was talking about since that movie was so old but after reading about the storyline, I think I may have watched a scene or two from the movie one day, on television. Now, I might check it out just to watch it in it's entirety.
Thanks for commenting!
I noticed you posted somewhere about now getting to see full episodes of One Tree Hill? Try - they have the episodes in great quality for free and you cna go back as far as you want (event to the Pilot!) and watch OTH at your descretion. Also, the episodes are available as soon as an hour after the episode aired! Check it out and hope this solves your problem
I noticed somewhere you said you had trouble catching episodes One Tree Hill? Try You can watch great quality episodes at your discretion (you can even go back as far as the Pilot episode if you want!)and the best part is that once the episode aired, it'll be up there as soon as an hour after the show's over.
Hope this solves your problem. Enjoy!