Harry Potter Advance Tickets for Half Blood Prince on Sale

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince opens July 15th which is just a few weeks away but you can get your tickets today without having to wait in line at a movie theater. Fandango has Harry Potter Advance Tickets on sale now for all movie fans who want to claim their spot for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince!
I was at the movie theater when Star Trek was released and while I was there to check out X-Men Origins: Wolverine, there was a long line for the Star Trek movie, way before the upcoming showtime was scheduled to begin, so these Harry Potter advance tickets can come in handy for those of use who are impatient or don't want to miss out on the earlier show times for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Skip the box office lines! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince tickets on sale now!
What are your predictions for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince? Leave Your Comments Below!
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