Myspace Reactions to Transformers 2

When the topic of Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen comes up, Myspace users do not hold back their thoughts on any level. Jason summed Transformers 2 up nicely by describing it as a funny movie full of action from beginning to end. This movie goer rates Transformers 2 as a "fucking excellent" movie. Unfortunately, the Myspace community does not place Transformers 2 on the same pedestal.
There is an overall sense that movie fans on Myspace do not take Megan Fox seriously as an actress. Calmer On Coffee makes movie fans own up to this fact by saying others "didn't go see this movie for her grade-A acting chops". John F expressed disappointment to see that Megan Fox had a dress on underneath her clothes. Many reviews in the Myspace community were not centered around the non-acting abilities of Megan Fox and called Transformers 2 into question instead.
One viewpoint that has seemed to come up repeatedly among the Myspace community is that too many people are taking Transformers 2 too seriously than they should. The movie has some tough critics among the media and movie fans alike including Rocky Dakota who called Transformers 2 "terrible". Trying not to ruin the experience for procrastinating movie fans on Myspace, Rocky Dakota did not too much more to say but concluded that Transformers 2 was a "rushed and thrown together" movie. There is still a group of Myspace members who back up their position that Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen may not be getting a fair trial when it comes to reviews and audience reactions.
Myspace user moVin' vioLation points out that it's a waste of time to expect a deep, story driven movie with lots of drama when going to watch Transformers 2. This Myspace user suggests "u already have cate blanchett for that" and explains "there is no way ur going to make transformers into a deep, dark serious film and be successful". I agree with an aspect of this Myspace review from moVin' vioLation about Transformers and the importance of movie goers understanding what they are getting with this movie. If I go to watch an action film with Bruce Willis, I expect things to be blown up and could not care less about learning true life lessons that encourage me to engage in more humanitarian efforts. If I watch a Jim Carrey movie, I expect to laugh and look forward to paying attention when checking out biopics like The Last King of Scotland with Forest Whitaker.
If I go to check out Transformers 2, I would expect to witness fun robots and all of the related crap that goes with them. Calmer On Coffee has the same perspective when stating "its best to take it for what it is...which is a movie about giant talking alien robots" during a discussion on Transformers 2. The simplistic Jason with that "excellent" rating even had a word or two for the film critics who gave Transformers 2 a bad grade. These film critics "need to stop over analyzing things" according to John on Myspace.
John F does point out that Transformers 2 producers need to find a balance between focusing on the humans and making the movie centered around those robots. This Myspace user notes the human focus as the main reason why he hated the first Transformers movie. Unfortunately, the studio did not do any better the second time around because they tried "to do too much and ended up with a bunch of robots as background filler', says John F but he would still recommend watching Transformers 2 in a movie theater instead of waiting until it comes out on DVD.
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Photo: Current News Stories
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Reader Comments (2)
Frak the naysayers. It's a movie about a cartoon about robots. If they can't handle that, then they're not worth our time.
By the way...excellent photo!
I agree Herman, in that Transformers 2 is about that old cartoon about robots, which means movie fans should not be expecting more than what it is.
Thanks for your props on the photo.
I'll only take credit for selecting an "excellent photo" as you put it, lol! Current News Stories gets the real props for taking a great photo. I'll link CNS up in the post!