Books in the Movies but Still No Answers

Books are the topic for this week's Monday movie meme and The Bumbles says it's not about movies made from books, so there goes my bid for “Eat, Pray, Love” but let's move on. Instead, this week topic is focused on blogging about movies that feature books, librarians or related get the drift, right? So, I immediately thought about that scene in “Men of Honor” where Cuba Gooding Jr. gets a med student who works in a library to help him with his exams for the Navy. Then I thought... “hmmm, that's just one isolated scene, so this movie is not going to work” and then I recalled a comedy that is oh, so fitting for this week's “bookish” movie theme.....
A few week's ago, I published a post on here about actress Lauren Graham and her Julia Robert's complex and well, she starred in “The Answer Man” with Jeff Daniels (who, at first glance, I had confused with the guy from “7th Heaven” until I realized that Steven Collins is not listed as being in this movie....hey, what do I know? I only watched “The Answer Man” once some time ago)
The Answer Man is about a reclusive best-selling author who falls in love with his chiropractor but finds his reputation and love life in jeopardy as he must accept the reality of not having all the answers to the world's most pressing issues.
What are Your favorite (or not-so-favorite) “Bookish” movies?
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, the+bumbles+blog, the+answer+man, lauren+graham, books+in+the+movies, movies+about+books, books+in+movies, bookish+movies, bookish+flicks, book+movies, movies+on+books, movie+meme, the+answer+man+movie
Reader Comments (5)
For me they'd have to be: The Ninth Gate, 1408 (possibly a stretch), The NeverEnding Story, The Evil Dead movies, and The Fountain.
And yes, I did cheat by looking at my movie collection ;-)
Thumbs up for Men Of Honor. Great flick!
Isn't The NeverEnding Story based on a book? Hmm.....possible cheat #2, lol? Hey, it can work for the purpose of this post though :)
I'm intrigued by 1408 just by the title and gonna have to look it up on AOL or Rotten Tomatoes or something. haven't see 1408? Well, stop what you're doing and rent a copy post haste! It's a John Cusack vehicle, and he's in classic Cusack mode in this flick. In fact, I might just pop it in tonight just for kicks! haven't seen 1408? Well, drop what you're doing and rent a copy post haste! It's a John Cusack vehicle, and he's in classic Cusack form in this scary flick. I'm confident that you'll enjoy it. In fact, I think I'll watch it tonight just for kicks...
Herman, I'm so behind when it comes to watching movies that isn't not even funny.
I'll try and get the DVD within the next week and then let you know about it after I watch it.