FAME! - What Does it Mean to YOU?

Despite it's clear definition as either a person's reputation or public acclaim, the term "Fame" is still perceived differently by many people. For example, a guy who does a weekly radio show may receive the benefits of fame among people in his hometown but if he travels to another area, locals may not be as familiar with him. Someone like Howard Stern, however, is probably more recognized in many areas thoughout the country. So, that brings me to the question......what does Fame mean to YOU?
This is what it means to me, or at least what it means to me at the moment:
F – “Footloose”, “Flashdance” and “Friends.” The movies come to mind because I think they represent fame on a local level, as the characters make a name for themselves through activities that they enjoy. This kind of defines that whole “do what you love” notion that those business experts and motivation speakers like to promote while also reminding viewers about one of the simplest joys in life.
The “Friends” TV show is important because so many people try to become these celebrities with million dollar paychecks and busloads of fans while the people who really matter are their friends. Fame can bring you the wrong friends while real friendships can make you feel famous, even if you're not because real friendships are genuine, so that is more valuable than a spotlight and red carpet treatment.
A – Always in the spotlight. Speaking of “spotlight,” It's unbelievable how far that paparazzi goes with getting into every little bit of the professional and personal lives of celebrities. Some people I know think that the celebrities asked for it and cannot complain because they chose to be in the splotlight. Other people I know think that the pararazzi and mass media take things too far and are invasive when it comes to the lives of celebrities. Me...I'm on the fenze regarding this subject because I tend to agree with both of these perspectives depending on the situation.
For example, I don't think that we really need to be told about what is going on with Charlie Sheen and his children but I do not mind learning that he is trying to sue the people at CBS or “Two and a Half Men” while also demanding a higher salary to return to the show. The latter is important because how this plays out may affect business dealings and the development or production of entertainment shows in the future....on CBS or any other network, much like what happened in Egypt had an impact on other countries.
M - Money. Fame has a type of social currency that you can't really buy anywhere. People either like you or they don't like you, which is similar to money. Fame can help someone earn more money or receive more money but it can also cause people to lose money as well.
A hit song could make an upcoming singer or musician a very rich person, especially if the person parlays his or her newfound fame into some endorsement deals or live appearances to boost revenue. On the flip side, a pizza restaurant that has mice on the premises could lose money if customers start complaining and they do nothing about it. This, or any other business then becomes known for poor business practices and neglecting the necessary tasks to do what is best for their customers.
E – Eagerness. Have you ever been to a retail store where the cashier has such an attitude that it seems like this employee hates his or her job? This is what I think about when it seems like Fame is not for everyone. It is not difficult to notice whether people enjoy what they do or not....unless they are really good at hiding it....kind of like actors, I guess? A filmmaking buddy of mine and avid movie fan was recently turned away by an actor who refused to sign his movie still. I would think that the celebrity actor would be delighted that a fan of his work was excited to meet him, but I guess not.
How does this all relate to “eagernees” you ask? Well, it's like this.....if we are not eager about ourselves or our work, business, interests, goals, hobbies, etc. then it will be difficult to convince others to be. People will be just about as eager as YOU are about whatever it is that you want to put out into the world.
So, there's my perception of Fame.
Now it's your turn.
What does FAME mean to YOU!
*This is a Bonus post that I wrote for the A to Z challenge this weekend because I forgot that we were up to "H" and didn't realize that I already posted an interview for the letter "F" earlier in the week. Since we're skipping Sundays during the challenge, I'm adding this as a bonus post.
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Reader Comments (4)
Fame means loss of privacy...I'd rather stay away from it. I'd like to have many friends and well-wishers, but random strangers knowing my face would creep me out! Cool blog you have here!
Damyanti, thanks for commenting and also thank you for the compliment!
Fame means never having to say you’re sorry…oh wait that’s not right.
Fame means never having to go to jail…they changed that as well??
Ok, erm, fame means you can never pick your nose in public but can afford a mansion with a special nose-picking room.
I think you're on to something there. What some would give to have their own special nose-picking room, lol!