Love in 140 Characters or Less

All of you who are Twitter fanatics with a short attention span may enjoy this post, as I attempt to put my long form content on the shelf for a moment. 'L' stands for “Love” today and I welcome you to join me in discussing the topic of love or lack thereof as it relates to movies and the entertainment as a whole in some way. Here is a description of my thoughts on love within three areas of this industry including movies, television and music.....each in 140 characters or less.
I've never understand why many people make such a big deal about “Love & Basketball.” The movie is a silly depiction of relationships.
The transition to Digital Television (DTV) has me falling in love with my DVD player due to frozen or pixelated scenes of “House” and lost signals.
Right now, I'm loving Adele, Nicki Minaj & Marsha Ambrosius but concert ticket fees these days have me enjoying their songs from a distance.
Can YOU share what you love, or don't love in movies, television and music in 140 characters or less?
Shoot! The television category is over by one character. I'll have to try this again on another day.
This post is a part of my participation in the A to Z challenge.
Technorati Tags: a+to+z+challenge, a+to+z+blogging+challenge, a+to+z+blog+challenge, a+to+z+april+challenge, april+blog+challenge
Reader Comments (5)
I'm definitely with you on those concert prices. For what a ticket costs I could buy the entire catalog of many of my favorite artists.
I guess that could be twittered but I'm not sure about the love angle.
Lee" rel="nofollow">Tossing It Out
I guess I'm easy to please..or rarely annoyed!! LOL! I'm a romantic....and write romantic fiction, so I need romance in anything I watch, corny or unrealistic as it may sometimes be.
As far as music goes, I love the music of many artists, and though ticket prices may be crazy, I manage to get the tickets for the shows I need to see. But there really hasn't been much over the last few years that I just HAD to go to. I wanted to see Gaga, but the decently priced seats sold out so fast.
You make a good point about being able to buy an entire catalog of someone's music. I didn't think of it that way, but it's so true, at least with some artists. It's nuts, I tell you! NUTS!
Being rarely annoyed is a beneficial personality trait to have in this insane world and I probably wouldn't be too far off by saying that it also gives you the ability to enjoy more movies, TV shows or other forms of entertainment that others may dismiss or not even give a chance, so that is cool because you get to find some true gems in there :)
I understand where you're coming from regarding the ticket prices as far as getting to the shows you "need" to see. Still, I think that it's a hefty price for something that isn't a necessity in my opinion. Concerts are wants for us music fans. They are like, you know, extra and not something that we need to live, lol.
I like some of Gaga's songs but doubt that I would want to get to any of her concerts but I'm sorry to learn that those seats you wanted sold out fast....maybe it means (if you believe in that stuff about fates or the cosmos or the universe stuff working for a purpose) that you're meant for some fabulous seats at one of her concerts in the future :)
Having missed two Prince concerts that I couldn't afford, I will NOT miss a third one if one comes around again that I want to do to, lol! I guess, if music fans REALLY REALLY like an artist, they will get the concert tickets even if they are expensive, which wasn't...but has become my case with Prince. I will pay to go watch him in concert but will not likely buy a ticket to go see Beyonce perform live...and I like her too...just not as much as I like Prince, Michael Jackson (rest his soul) or Alicia Keys, lol.
Love in the afternoon just got canceled. :( Haven't watched All My Children since the 80s, but it was always nice to know it was there.
How was that?
I didn't watch All My Children so I'm not sure how good it was (or wasn't, maybe? I dunno) but I was a Guiding Light gal when I was a kid...until I stopped watching Soap Operas because I realized that they were addictive dramas that were wasting my time, lol.
Many of the 80S TV shows were really good in general, I think...until we got bombarded with this reality TV mess.