Priceless Deeds and the Creative Blog Award

Today is all about Priceless Deeds for the letter ‘P.’ During the A to Z challenge, I’ve met some of the kindest and most inspiring bloggers around the world. Deirdra of A Storybook World is one of those bloggers. She gave me the “Creative Blog Award” earlier this month on April 8th and I would like to take this time to thank her for the award.
Allow me to also share a quote from my daily calendar that pretty much sums up the meaning of offering good deeds that impact others in a positive way. The most sincere gestures are those that money cannot buy, making them priceless symbols of human nature at its best.
Kind hearts are the garden, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are the blossoms, kind deeds are the fruit - John Ruskin
Here are four priceless deeds that are worth practicing everyday or every time that opportunities to do something nice for others present themselves:
1. Send a greeting card to someone for no reason other than just to say hello. There are lots of “Thinking of You” cards that could brighten someone’s day.
2. Smile at someone to offer a gesture of positive thinking. A simple smile can bring pleasure, even in the toughest moments.
3. Compliment someone to offer encouragement. A simple compliment can reduce or eliminate self-doubt in professional, personal and social settings. Saying “yes, you can” to someone may be just the boost that they need to keep on moving in a society where there is no shortage of naysayers.
4. Hug someone or kiss someone; if you (or the intended recipient) are not into mushy actions, then offer simpler physical deeds to someone such as agreeing to carry luggage, shovel snow, wash dishes, give a ride to the doctor’s office or repair an appliance.
What was the last priceless deed that someone did for YOU?
Did YOU pay it forward by offering a priceless deed to someone else?
Technorati Tags: a+to+z+challenge, a+to+z+blog+challenge, a+to+z+blog, a+to+z+blogging, a+to+z+blogging+challenge, blog+challenge, april+blog+challenge, a+to+z+2011, priceless+deeds, creative+blogger+award
Reader Comments (5)
These are great ideas! Hmmm- I guess lately most priceless deeds have had something to do with blogging since I don't get out all that much.
Lee" rel="nofollow">Tossing It Out
That counts. You're on top of things where priceless deeds are concerned, since you're helping thousands of bloggers connect and improve their writing my case...blogging habits. You've also done a great service to musicians and other bloggers, the kind of deeds that are indeed Priceless!
She gave me an award too. She is so sweet.
I think that your 4 priceless things are great. A good smile is worth 1000 words.
Thank you so very much for stopping by to visit and follow me. That award is so pretty and from this post I can see it is well deserved. I strive to do AT LEAST one random act of kindness every day; and I love it:)
The last priceless thing anyone did for me would have to be my husband. I am in the final stages of my book being published and without even asking my husband just keeps the tea, candy, fruit whatever coming and he is doing all the housework. He is amazing:)
Thanks for your kind words. Getting a book published is such a great achievement and I wish you much success with it when the book is released. Your husband handles the Beverages, sweets AND housework while you work on your book.....that IS amazing, I agree!