It's a Wonderful Life - Part 1

Yesterday, Anyes of Far away in the Sunshine asked about what our favorite black and white movies are. My favorite among the very few black and white movies that I've watched so far is "It's a Wonderful Life" starting James Stewart.
I like how it captures the human traditions and spirit surrounding the Christmas holiday and I also enjoyed how the main character was given a glimpse of what the world around him would be like if he did not exist.
The experience helped him realize how much of an impact he had in the lives of other people. The amount of impact, in his case, was huge so it improved his mood, perspective on his circumstances and changed his bout of self-pity.
"It's a Wonderful Life" is a pretty uplifting film and I guess this is to be expected from a holiday movie.
Stay tuned for another look at a general concept of "It's a Wonderful Life" from a different perspective, to be posted later this week.
Technorati Tags: wordcount+blogathon, 2011+wordcount+blogathon, black+and+white+movies, alfred+hitchcock, black+and+white+films, may+blogathon
Reader Comments (2)
Such a wonderful movie, Nicole it's a Christmas tradition in our home. I am glad you like it too :-)
The movie makes for a nice Christmas tradition in bringing families together. It was the first title I thought of when you mentioned the subject of black and white movies.