My Top 5 Favorite Places to Write

What are your five favorite places to write? This is the general topic for today’s theme during the WordCount Blogathon that I am currently participating in, which caused me to really think about all of the places where I write and then compare them all to figure out which ones are the locations that I like the most. Here are my five favorite places to write everything and anything from blog posts, freelance articles, love letters and screenplays to grocery shopping lists, poetry and parody no particular order.
1. On the Bus
First, let me get something straight.....I hate buses. Now that we have this out of the way, I do find bus rides to be useful places to write in some circumstances. In fact, I wrote my Day 17 blog post (and a portion of my Day 19 post) for the WordCount Blogathon while riding a bus out of town......all on an iPod. I figured that I might as well write to pass the time since there is not much else to do while on a long bus ride.
2. A Family Member’s House
When floppy disks were still popular among computer users, I filled a lot of them with my writings and often completed the task while visiting relatives. I’ve written at least two screenplays using a family member’s computer and have usually enjoyed the process. In such a setting, I get the best of both worlds.....the ability to write in a remote location and also the comfort of a home-like atmosphere.
3. The Library
Since many public libraries are only open during afternoon hours, there is something about having this limited time-frame that I have found to be rather beneficial to my writing activities. Being allowed to work on a computer for only 20 minutes up to 60 minutes maximum can sometimes be the driving force necessary to make sure that I am being productive.
The small window of computer access does not leave much room for idle time, which is a great way to influence me to work on some of my writing in advance before visiting the library so all I have to do is type it up or produce a final draft. I also like to write at the library because it is like an automatic source for references and research material.
If there is a word that I am not familiar with or some historical facts that need to be checked before referencing them in an article, blog post, screenplay, etc. I need not look any further than a public library.
4. My Apartment
This is a no-brainer because if it’s raining or snowing or late in the evening and I do not feel like going out, all of my writing can be done in the comfort of my own home. Much like the public libraries, my home has a lot of resources and supplies that I can utilize during the writing process.....some of which other places, including relatives houses may not have available. These resources include notebooks, pens, pencils, highlighters, markers, magazines, index cards, my favorite books on screenwriting and other tools that help me get work done without needing to travel.
5. The Movie Theater
Okay, so this one is a bit distracting because the whole point of going to the theater is to watch the movie....right? However, I brought a notepad with me and wrote down notes about a movie that I had to write a review on (It was “Hanna,” for all of you nosey people, lol) in hopes of obtaining a weekly writing gig for a media company.
I did not think that I would remember some of the important points that I wanted to make or key aspects of the movie that I wanted to cover. So, while this may have been an odd thing to do and was certainly a little difficult experience because I had to write whenever there was a bright scene that added more light into the theater, it is productive enough to make my list of five favorite places to write.
What are some of the best places for YOU to write?
Does the ideal location to write depend on what is being written or do you think that people can and should write wherever and whenever they are inspired to do so?
Technorati Tags: wordcount+blogathon, top+5+places+to+write, five+places+to+write, 2011+wordcount+blogathon, wordcount+blogathon+theme+day, wordcount+blogathon+events+calendar, writing+movies, writing+blog+posts, blogging, top+places+to+write, writing+on+buses, writing+in+a+library, writing+at+home, writing+while+traveling, writing+during+travel, writing+about+movies, writing+in+movie+theaters, writing+in+a+movie+theater, hanna+movie, top+five+places, may+blogathon
Reader Comments (4)
1. my desk
2. my desk
3. my desk
4. my desk
5 my desk
I don't do well with writing in public places!
I like writing in bed.
mood" rel="nofollow">Chapter One Analysis: Fight Club
Interesting peek into the life of Nicole. Good post! I especially like your set-up re. all the sorts of writing from grocery store list to love letters to screenplays.
I used to prefer pen and paper over a computer any day and like writing on my bed, but now my handwriting is too messy when I try to write fast so I prefer the computer. It's a major shift though! Since I use a desktop, that means I write at home. Preferably in silence, unless it's email then I like the news on in the background or every once in a while some funky music.
That said, I keep a pen and notepad everywhere and can often be found jotting down ideas in the car during red lights or the minute I jump out of the shower - my best thinking places! I have scraps of paper floating around EVERYWHERE! I also jot things down in the columns of magazines a lot...
Grocery lists always go straight onto a magnetic notepad on the fridge.
Melissa Ann Goodwin,
Thanks for your comment. If I had a desk to write at, I'd probably write there too! Public places can be freeing a little when trying to find inspiration on what to write about but sometimes, public places may also be a distraction and be less beneficial to the writing process...I guess it depends on what is being written though, in this case....someone writing a children's book may be more distracted in a crowded mall than someone else who is just making a list of all of the things that they want to buy in the mall, lol.
Writing in bed sounds comfortable and I'm glad that works for your writing. For some reason, it rarely works for me....I always end up having to eventually get up and go somewhere else to write. Maybe it's the bed or maybe it's the way that I'm on the bed when I am writing...I don't rarely works out though....usually gives me cramping and body aches.
I'm glad that you enjoyed reading this post on my favorite 5 places to write. I like writing on paper too and guess I became so used to using computers over the years that I didn't even dawn on me that I was getting away from writing on paper and in notebooks....that all usually changes when I'm working on a project, as typing certain things like notes or outlines for scripts or movie plots, ideas, etc. have been less enjoyable for me, so I try to maintain a balance between the two....although technology is currently winning!
Oh how I remember those magnetic notepads for the grocery list while growing up. I never used one when I became an adult but I do think that they are very useful, especially the ones with the whole write-on/wipe-off features :)