How to Sell your Used Movies for Cash

Used DVDs usually bring in more money than old VHS tapes but you can still get money from previously viewed videotapes. Here are some tips on how to sell your used movies for cash, whether they are DVD discs or VHS tapes.
Sell used Movies in Bulk
Would you rather get $3 for one used DVD movie or get paid $15 for six DVD movies? Bundling several DVDs or VHS tapes into one offer is a lucrative way to sell your used movies for cash. Bulk movies can be sold in multiples of five or ten depending on a variety of factors including how much money you need and how many movies you are willing to sell.
The size and variety of your movie collection may also determine how well you can sell your used movies in bulk for cash. If you only have 14 DVDs in your collection and 80% of them are all one genre such as horror, then you would be hard pressed to try and sell these used movies to a married Sunday School teacher who has newborn twins at home.
Bundling similar movies together can still give you a better chance at selling your used movies for cash. They can be of the same genre but you would have to find a buyer who is looking for those specific type of movies.
You can also bundle your movies by type, actor, year or any other characteristic that the bulk offering has in common. A used "Sex in the City: The Movie" DVD could be bundled with romantic comedies, even if they are older releases from like the 90s or something.
Used Movies Sell for Cheap
Unless you have an obscure DVD or VHS tape that is some kind of cult classic, be realistic about the amount of money that will come from selling used movies. Just because you may have paid $15 or more for DVDs or VHS tapes does not mean that the used versions will bring in the same amount of money. You'll be lucky to get even half of what you originally paid for used movies. If you consider the re-seller's position, these offers make sense.
Used movies are generally cheap for customers, so buyers have to purchase them at an even cheaper rate in order to get profit and keep their business up and running. This scenario takes into account used movie sales to stores and/or media companies. Private sales of used movies (flea markets, selling movies to your friends, etc.) may bring in a little more because the negotiating possibilities are more in your favor.
There still is no guarantee that your potential customer will buy those old movies. In circumstances where you really need come quick cash or you're trying to liquidate a large movie collection, stores and Buy-Sell media companies may be the best way to go.
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Reader Comments (1)
I use ebay to sell my old movies (othe rauction sites are available), there's always someone who values an old VHS tape of 'Say Anything' more than you'd think.
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