Flashback Friday #3 and Call for June King Dong

In case you missed them, here are all of the Johnny Depp posts from May 2011. Also, all are welcome to nominate a male celebrity in the entertainment field or a celebrity who has appeared in movies, TV shows or music videos to claim the throne throughout June for my King Dong series. Each weekend this month, a post will be written that focuses on the chosen celebrity.
Johnny Depp May 2011 King Dong Flashback:
24 Hours with Johnny Depp
Various men and women told me what they would do if they had 24 hours to spend with this actor.
Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow Style Highlights
A few tidbits on the significance of different aspects of Jack Sparrow's "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" costume.
5 Minutes in Johnny Depp Land
Facts related to the actor in one way or another that also match the words I came up with within 5 minutes, using letters in his name.
The Year Of Johnny Depp
A wannabe poem paying tribute to the actor while also including some news about his new projects.
This post was inspired by "Fake It Fridays" created by Two Hands and a Roadmap and all of the posts written about Johnny Depp during May 2011 were done in dedication to Alana at Writercize.
Technorati Tags: johnny+depp, king+dong, flashback+fridays, pirates+of+the+caribbean+on+stranger+tides, pirates+of+the+caribbean, johnny+depp+awards, johnny+depp+movies, johnny+depp+awards, actors, celebrities
Reader Comments (6)
Going back to revisit those posts. Nominations ... hmm ... I do have to say that although I don't find him attractive Leonardo di Caprio has been showing off some serious acting chops. I love how he commits to his characters so fully.
Platoon was finally re-issued on blu-ray. We picked it up and watched it a couple of weeks ago. I was surprised to discover that Johnny Depp had a role in the film. Granted, it wasn't much, but it made for a nice surprise!
When I nominate male celebrities, do they have to be sexy stars? After reading a current article, http://robertreich.org/post/5993482080, I'm holding Robert Reich in the highest regard. How about featuring a celebrity who's achieved because of his intelligence?
Thanks for nominating someone for the month of June and I think that Leonardo DiCaprio may be a great choice because I sooo I agree with you on the fact that DiCaprio really gets into the characters that he plays. I last saw him in "Shutter Island" and look forward to checking out his future work.
Thanks for mentioning that little tidbit about Johnny Depp. You've got me wanting to watch "Platoon" again just to spot him out in the cast! Isn't it always nice to discover new things in films that you've already watched, that have been around in years? That has to be one of the most exciting things about films, especially the classic ones, as they never case to get old.
Thanks for your King Dong nomination. Is Roberty Riech in any movies or television shows? or has he been featured in a music video? I'm going to have to look him up some more and find out. If he has been featured in entertainment, Robert Reich will be a good addition to the running, as I try to tally up votes this Friday.
If the nominees don't have multiple nominations because everyone nominates a different person, then I'll use Random.org to select a winning male celebrity or I'll interview some movie goers to get them to vote on all of the nominees.... but the celeb with the most votes will win this Friday :)
Make that Sunday, as I'm a few days behind in getting votes and tallying them.
Robert Reich is always doing commentaries for news shows. He's not an entertainer but rather a brilliant economist whose served under three presidential administrations and has written multiple books.