Flashback Friday #4: Leonardo DiCaprio Edition with King Dong Nominations #NaBloPoMo

Happy Friday everyone!
Since June 2011, actor Leonardo DiCaprio has held the King Dong throne at this blog and we need to vote for a new one that will reign during August.....unless some of you want to give Leo a triple crown. Therefore, nominations for a new king dong that will take Leonardo DiCaprio’s place next month are welcome between today and next Friday. Nominate a male celebrity who has worked in the film and/or television industry and should be given a spotlight on this blog.
Here are the current nominations for August. They are in no particular order, so those reading this post are welcome to either vote on the men listed here or add a new name to the competition.
1. Ron Weasley (played by Rupert Grint)
This is my nomination for August since the Harry Potter series ends this summer and also because Ron Weasly is the best character ever....at least of the three magical kids in Harry Potter land!
2. Ryan Gosling
He gets a nomination because he is a favorite of readers of this blog such as Amanda, PLUS, also because his performances in movies about relationships are so different from each other that he can fit well in almost any boyfriend or husband role....whether the role is a romantic one or an unfortunate one.
3. Ben Affleck
Affleck gets a nomination, based on “The Town” and his ability to perform well both in front of and behind the camera.
Until we select a King Dong for August, feel free to flashback to the Leonardo DiCaprio days of summer this year:
No More Shoving Leonardo DiCaprio Down Your Throat
Leonardo DiCaprio Opposite Beyonce in New Film? Please Don’t!
How to Save Tigers Like Leonardo DiCaprio
Leonardo DiCaprio Drama Shortage
All the Boys and Love Lessons from Leonardo DiCaprio
Polls (read: the comments section) are open, now let the voting begin!
Technorati Tags: flashback+friday, nablopomo, leonardo+dicaprio, king+dong, nablopomo+2011, nablopomo+july, nablopomo+july+2011, nablopomo+swim, nablopomo+summer, ron+weasley, ryan+gosling, , ben+affleck,
Reader Comments (2)
Might I suggest either Jason Statham (the man who can make terrible movies seem cool), Denzel Washington (I'd never want to tangle with John Creasy), or Jude Law (solid performances for both creepy and serious roles)?
Herman, great choices. I can't believe that Denzel has never been nominated and have not paid a lot of attention to Jude Law, so if he wins, it may be an opportunity for me to read up on him and watch more of his films.
When you mention Jason Statham, I thought "Jason, who?" until googling him, lol. I am only familiar with him by image, not by name so it's nice to be able to match his name to his face. When the search results came up, I went "Oh, that guy from 'The Mechanic'...cool!" so I remember him from that movie only but I do plan on going to check out the upcoming movie "Killer Elite" that he stars in with Robert DeNiro.