Feelings and Flash Mobs in Film #friday #atozchallenge

“I don’t know what to do, don’t know what to prove. This is more than me, so much more than you. Can we make it through? You and I? I can’t decide...I just can’t pretend that you’re just a friend, we took it further, passion still remains, so here we are again because we caught feelings...”
“Feelings” by Floetry is a very soulful tune that can touch the heart of anyone who can relate to the awkward limbo of figuring out if you want to be with someone -- or that uncertainty of whether feelings are reciprocated, causing knots in your belly.
Realizing that you have developed feelings for someone can be liberating and scary at the same time, depending on how you look at it. Romantic feelings for someone can also be tough for those who may consider taking a platonic relationship to the next level, because most people seldom want to risk a good friendship for something else that has no guarantee of lasting. In addition to that, what happens when you are ok with pursuing something with a person of interest or exploring where your feelings can take the both of you, but for some reason, you just don’t know how to express what you feel? These challenges play out all too often and then a movie comes along that shows us how art imitates life.
In the romantic comedy “Friends with Benefits” starring Mila Kunis and Justin Timberlake, one of the main characters surprises another by arranging a flash mob to express his true feelings. Timberlake plays this role and tells Mila Kunis’ character “You said you wanted your life to be like a movie!” So, consider taking a page from Dylan Harper’s (Timberlake) book the next time you celebrate a special occasion by surprising a friend, family member -- or co-worker with a flash mob in their honor. Flip the script and make life imitate art, creating feelings of joy and gratitude for those whom you care about the most.
It does not have to be romantic, in fact, here are a few surprise birthday flash mobs that may help you come up with ideas on the choreography or overall theme. One features a woman who was so clueless about what was going on that she started participating in her own flash mob, without even knowing that it was for her. I especially like the second video where random citizens put a spin on the flash mob scene by surprising their bus driver with a whole production that included singing and a fake protest that turned out to be a mob of people with birthday messages and gifts for the birthday dude!
The third birthday flash mob video includes a girl whose family surprises her with a rendition of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” dance routine -- in a hotel lobby. Last but not least, I planned to wrap this post up with a video clip that partially inspired today’s “Letter F” A to Z Challenge post -- the “Friends with Benefits” flash mob scene. However, the video clip showing that scene is no longer available on YouTube due to a copyright infringement claim by Screen Gems. So with that said, I guess you'll just have to rent the movie. In the meantime, enjoy.....
Sasha’s Surprise Birthday Flash Mob (5 mins & 27 secs):
The Birthday Surprise for a Danish Driver (3 mins):
Tori’s 18th Surprise Birthday with Family & Friends (5 mins & 57 secs):
What makes a good celebratory flash mob, in YOUR opinion?
The size/number of participants? choreography? dress code? song selection? Or, all of these elements combined?
Which of these birthday flash mob videos do YOU like best?
Reader Comments (5)
The whole idea of flashmobs intrigues me.
Look forward to your challenge run, Nicole.
--Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012
Twitter: @AprilA2Z
I think flashmobs are cool! Never seen one before, only heard of it, but I would sure love to take part in it:D
Stopping by via the A-Z Challenge,
Victoria from Always a Booklover
Great idea for birthday surprises. I loved the bus one, it was so cute :)
I think flash mobs are fun. But what do they cost? I can see my husband not liking the gesture, but my sister would probably love it.
I love flash mobs!!
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