Monday Movie Meme – Messages from Behind Bars

Recently, I’ve felt like I’m in a prison of sorts, or maybe a hole that I cannot manage to get out of for the life of me. That’s a story for another day…perhaps.
As the theatrical debut of Howard University alum Patrick “Praheme” Ricks’ family film “Troop 491: the Adventures of the Muddy Lions” continues, this week’s Monday Movie Meme is based on a scene where Triston visits his father in prison and learns a lesson that he carries with him when trying to figure out how to do the right thing: Messages from Behind Bars.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring scenes involving though-provoking prison visits; where one of the main characters gets a rude awakening that actually benefits him or her, in the long-run. Here are my selections for this week’s Messages from Behind Bars theme.
A Time to Kill
During one of many jail visits, Carl Lee makes it clear why he and his lawyer Jake are not friends.
Under normal circumstances, this would be sad and cruel, except for the fact that Carle’s explanations help Jake realize how to use common prejudices to his advantage during a murder trial, in this crime thriller starring Matthew McConaughey, Samuel L. Jackson and Sandra Bullock.
The Town
A casual conversation gets real personal, tense and cut short when Doug addresses the dead elephant in the room during a visit with his imprisoned father in this crime thriller, starring Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper and Jeremy Renner.
“Look, I gotta die five times before I get out of here, but, I’ll see you again – this side, or the other!”
Fruitvale Station
Refusing to stand for any of the foolishness that caused her son to be in prison, Oscar Grant’s mother ends their visit by walking out and refusing to return, in this biographical drama starring Michael B. Jordan and Octavia Spencer.
What movies involving though-provoking prison visits would YOU add to this list?
Troop: 491: the Adventures of the Muddy Lions
Now Playing at the Bow Tie Criterion Cinemas at Movieland until October 17th!
1331 North Boulevard
Richmond, VA
Daily Showtimes: 11:40am / 2:20pm / 4:50pm / 7:00pm / 9:40pm
Reader Comments (2)
Law Abiding Citizen is the first movie to come to mind. Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx had some rather powerful exchanges.
The Butler has some pretty memorable prison visits in them mainly because of the father/son relationship.