Sunday Synopsis: Notes on an Atlanta Film Festival Buzzkill, IMAX/3D and Stuff… #lammys2013 #thelamb

In today’s Sunday Synopsis, I’m mashing up three prompts from the Blog Everyday in May Challenge, hosted by Jenni – who wants participants to spill the goods on their most embarrassing moment(s). She also proposed the task of selling yourself in 10 words or less.
Lastly, Jenni asks “What do you miss?” – Here are my responses to her suggested topics, (each) in a nutshell.
- A few years ago, I was at a party in Atlanta, following one of the premiere film festival screenings for a VH1 special. No matter how much I tried to get rid of a huge red and swollen pimple on my face prior to this day, my attempts were not only unsuccessful, they also made it worse....
There I was, chatting it up in a room full of movers and shakers in the music and film industries including MTV program hosts and artists such as Big Boi, etc. looking like a mosquito bit me on the face. Needless to say, that was not one of my best moments – especially when everyone else at this party is trying to bring their A-game – what with the glitz, glamour and networking and all. This isolated event hardly makes the list of my most embarrassing moments but the experience was uncomfortable enough to qualify for a mention here. You didn’t think I was really going to spill the beans on this kind of stuff, did you?!
- I’m an idea engine with ever-flowing notes. (7 words. Woot!)
- I miss the thrill of being content with watching a 2D movie – nowadays, it seems like everyone and their mama is all about IMAX and 3D showings – as if they’re really all that better. The 2D movies appear to have lost their luster among general movie going audiences – becoming an afterthought or backup plan for sold-out shows. 3D and IMAX have their place but should not be a total replacement for how we view films in a theater – especially for the types of movies that would play just fine without multiple viewing options....
The need for additional effects should enhance the movie going experience – not compensate for all that’s lacking at the theater such as so-so customer service, excessively high concession prices for junk (I’d gladly pay $5-$8 for a roasted turkey sandwich or an organic fruit salad, but $6.50 for a box of sugary candies like Skittles? C’mon!) and *gasp* a bad movie. If “Iron Man 3” is not as good as its predecessors (I’m not saying it sucks; just using it as an example), then it sure as hell doesn’t need to be in 3D/IMAX.
- Also, I’m seeking nominations for the next King Dong – it’s time to re-launch this series that has been dormant for a while now. Daniel Craig was the last one on the throne in December 2012. So, I’m looking for his successor. What actor would YOU like to see highlighted over the course of a month?
- In addition, three more categories featuring movie blogs competing for this year's LAMMYS were released today -- one of them being the Best Running Feature category. Since I was one of the presenters this year, I checked out the nominees and favor two of them:
1. DVD Court at The Cinematic Katzenjammer - It's like "Law & Order" meets Blockbuster Video Stores, FYE Target, Wal-Mart or wherever you buy your movies. Each week, a jury of film fanatics make their case on one of the newly released movies and then deliberate for a final verdict that can go one of three ways -- Burn it, Skip it, Rent it or Buy it. I'm not a fan of the first verdict because piracy is not cool but aside from that, DVD Court is worth checking out if you're indecisive about purchasing some of the films mentioned in the Cinematic Katzenjammer's case files.
2. Visual Parallels at The Cinematic Corner - Scene by scene, frame by frame, two movies are paired up beside each other at a time, via photos that depict what they share in style, props, action and related elements. What I find most interesting is how some of the films featured in the Visual Parallels series are titles that we might not think have anything in common. The most recent pairings include "Breaking Bad" and "Pulp Fiction" while another mash-up compares the similarities that "The Dark Knight" has with "Skyfall." I'd say it's worth checking out if you're curious to see how much -- or how little -- you've really been paying attention to in the movies that you watch.
You'd be surprised at how many things that make a movie memorable or special are just a reincarnation (although sometimes possibly unintended, but still...) of another film.
- Lastly, The next Monday Movie Meme will be posted tomorrow evening.
That’s all folks!
Do YOU have anything to add to these prompts? Can YOU sell yourself in 10 words or less? What or who do you miss?
Reader Comments (3)
I agree about the 3D hype. The film industry seems to have foregone 'script' for 'effects'. I find this irritating enough that, instead of being a regular movie-goer, I go out to watch movies less and less frequently.
My 'less than 10' is: Fantasy, poetry, motivation. What more can I say? I write! :)
The 3D hype is getting a bit out of control. I've grown to prefer the 2D instead of the 3D simply because I don't really need every single scene attempting to jump out and grab me lol!
My ten or less: Idea generator, author, excitable, kinda shy, strong but not Superwoman.
Looking forward to the next movie Monday Nicole and I saw "The Dark Knight Rises" in IMAX. It definitely wasn't all that and a bag of popcorn.