Monday Movie Meme - The Little People

Remember the British filmmaker Duncan Cowles, whose short film “The Lady with the Lamp” screened during the 2012 Couch Fest Film Festival? Well, he recently touched base with me regarding some good news -- the movie (which also won Best Family Portrait at #2012CFF, by the way!) is now available online via Vimeo and YouTube.
So, if you have four minutes to spare during a lunch break or need some quick laughs, Cowles has made his short available for your viewing pleasure. Speaking of short stuff, allow me to introduce the theme of this week’s Monday Movie Meme: The Little People.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, the shortest movie characters that you’ve ever seen on the big (or small) screen. These characters do not have to be midgets per se -- they just have to be shorter than average height of all the other people in the film. Here are my selections for this week’s The Little People theme.
Bad Santa
The elf in this movie is about as short as they come but what he lacks in height, he makes up for in humor.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring & The Two Towers & Return of the King
Frodo, Sam, Pippin and Merry may be Hobbits who are so short that many of the women including Princess Arwen and Eowyn -- the lady of Rohan -- tower over these little guys, but they still have a lot of inches on Gimli, the Dwarf who is a bit overconfident in what he can contribute during the battles of Middle Earth.
Honey I Shrunk the Kids
If you think life is hard, try to walk a mile in the shoes of kids whose scientist father accidentally turned them into miniatures! Can the children in this movie still count as a proper selection for this week’s theme, even if they were at a normal height in some scenes? I don’t know but since I am having difficulty thinking of more short characters that fit the bill, I’ll let you all be the judge of that!
Who are the shortest movie characters that you’ve ever seen?
Watch "The Lady with the Lamp" by Duncan Cowles:
Reader Comments (5)
I gotta hand it to the Star Wars films and the Ewoks. Good meme Nicole!
Can't forget the Austin Powers series and Mini-Me.
If it weren't for your mention of the Ewoks, I wouldn't know who they were, lol. I haven't seen any of the Star Wars movies but did look those little guys up after reading your comment. On one hand, they have a creep appearance while on another hand, the Ewoks could make for some cute little plush toys. Just I'm glad you like this week's meme :)
Oh you are sooo on the money with Mimi-Me! That just took me back to the "Goldmember" days. Great selection for this week's meme; also for some odd reason, your pick reminded me that I totally forgot about the little husband on "Friday" who chases his wife out of the house 'cause he catches her cheating...or thinks she's cheating or something. They lived across the street from Craig's house and Smokey watched her in her booty shorts. I forgot the guy's name tho.
Mustn't forget about the movie Under The Rainbow, which is a movie based around the premise of a hotel that houses all the little people who are in town auditioning for the munchkin roles for the movie The Wizard Of Oz. This was a trippy movie, for sure! And hey, it earned a Razzie nomination, so it has that going for it...Heh.
Who knew there was a movie about one subset of Wizard of Oz's cast of characters?!! That's interesting. I imagine there not being anything like such a film and I wonder if it has some sort of cult following. Ahhh, you killed me with the Razzie comment, lol. The people who have a fetish, or rather, a fascination with midgets probably hold it near and dear to their hearts. You're such a well rounded movie viewer -- blockbusters, indies, strange stuff, underrated stuff, rare stuff....I swear, you've watched some of the most obscure sounding films from all across the spectrum...I'm starting to get jealous. Where do you find this stuff? Looks like I've been shopping in the wrong places...and/or not browsing the rental options enough!